Premade problem

*Was. I pleaded my case and was let off early :smiley:

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If they simply made it so that if you went in as a premade you only matched with other ones that would be fine with me I think it should be that way even if me and my friend go in we should get matched with other groups of two

They do try that for smaller BGs.

No they don’t there is no system like that at all for anything

I said try, not that it’s perfect every match. Any time I go in with 1-4 others, there’s groups on the other side in the 10/15 mans anyway.

Premade problem???

lets see… solo que and get a bunch of goof ball clowns missing gear and afk all game


premade with like minded, geared players who are actually playing as a team…

most of the time I choose premade… I don’t play this game to babysit CLOWNS

I, too, find it easier to win when I stack my team.

that’s funny because you and your stack are the clowns XD

I’m NOT talking 10 man groups here… I play with 1 or 2 others… sometimes we pick up a third from BG teams.

Most of the time it’s just a three man carrying 4 clowns and sometimes we just can’t carry them. It’s REALLY sad when playing as a THREE man group that we end up doing 80% of the damage… 70% of the healing… AND take 80% of the damage…

meanwhile some clown missing gear is barking orders, 0-8, wont cap bases, can’t defend bases BUT thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

I don’t solo often because I hate stupid clowns

Most bgs i see like 4 out of 20/30 people do impressive damage and then everyone else just exists as bodies

This scoreboard is still my favourite from when i duo queued with my partner :joy:

I totally agree

yeah. it is bad. too bad they do terrible results. i don’t play with premades. i see it, i will just go away.

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if you wanna win, get better gear then come back. not everyone is perfect. that is why people lack.

Keep in mind that people who are focusing on objectives often times won’t be topping damage. So, if someone has low damage it could mean they aren’t great at their class or it could mean that they are focused on objectives and not participating in all of the big team fights.

Also, it’s far easier to top damage if you are queueing in with a premade healer or healers. It’s not so easy when queuing without a healer, which puts you at the mercy of who happens to be there.


Nah i see it when i’m both solo queueing and duo queueing. I pay a lot of attention to recount during teamfights as a healer since i want to know my heals are going to places that matter

I see a lot of questionable damage profiles lol

Worst DPS in the BG, should I delete account? :frowning:

Yes, lots of not so great DPS out there but the damage board never tells the full story.

Like that DK at the bottom as well? Is he bad or was he sacrificing himself in outnumbered fights and spam chaining the enemy team to peel them in a flag map?

I don’t know for sure, which is why I never judge people solely off of a damage board.

OR they are just complete CLOWNS:

Had a DK in a deep wind gorge that wasn’t geared here is his info:

  • did NOT cap any nodes, stood next to the flag but never capped, I was killing 4 enemies and this CLOWN just stands there doing nothing. I had to kill 4 enemies, got the heal leaf and the DK is still standing next to flag typing to the team. I had to cap it myself.
  • this DK lost 5 nodes because he NEVER defended them.
  • this DK was wearing an i-lvl 35 weapon @ level 42 and did 3k damage the entire game.
  • this DK went 0-9 and did 25k healing because of his rune of sangination proc for dying NINE TIMES
  • this DK spent the entire game in chat telling the rest of the team what they should be doing
  • this DK was out damaged by all of our ACTUAL healers because of his 35 i-lvl weapon and not doing anything.
  • this type of player is a CLOWN and should NEVER be in a BG

I’m not looking at just scoreboards though, i’m looking at details!/recount addon and on average i will have been at every base at one point in a bg with every dps, especially as a solo healer, so even someone base sitting who gets 1 attacker all fight i’ll get an idea of how they handled that

Most players in a non premade bg don’t press meaningful damage buttons in a teamfight lol. Sometimes it’s annoying because i react instantly to healthbars dropping before i even notice who i’m healing, so i’ll be wanting to save lay on hands for the only chad dps who’s moving the healer’s healthbar and then instinctively LoH someone doing less than damage than me :rage:

Oh, and don’t get me wrong. Your DK friend did great. It’s important to have dominant players in the team fights, obviously.

I just posted that because it was funny out of context, it wasn’t really impressive lol. Me and the other hpal who decided of his own will to follow us went 3vX in their gy while the rest of the bg attempted to 4 cap bases

The real impressive thing is the healing we did :sunglasses: