Premade problem

Funny enough, I know an entire premade group from Gorg.
All they do is BGs/arenas

Warsong battalion or whatever? I’ve seen a couple (i play on the forgotten coast which is merged with warsong/gorgonash/balnazzar/alterac mountains (and mained it in shadowlands so i can 100% say with complete confidende that Oribos was completely empty on those servers listed as “full”)) but its definitely misleading to say there are a ton of servers on wow when in reality there are only a handful of functional servers

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Nah. jst a group of friends I use to run with until they decided they were too good for me.

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That’s rough.


I had a friend leave me behind when weekly gear rewards became tied to CR.


Do they still do AV?

Random epic.

it’s always Tichondrius

for me its Frostmourne

No idea, i do neither community nor epics lol

(I’m not talking about the emerald dream guild, unless they’re a subdivision of it)

Warsong Battalion is on ED.

Yes but theres a guild with a similar or identical name on the server Warsong (which is merged with the servers Gorgonnash, Alterac Mountains, The Forgotten Coast, Anvilmar and Balnazzar)

Could be an offshoot branch of the ED guild but might be an organic one.