Premade problem

Yeah it’s amazing how a lifetime combatant who keyboard turns all of a sudden hits duelist.

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Dk is hardly broken

Lets go ahead and go over all the melee more broken than dk right about now

Assass rogue

Arms warrior

Feral druid

Probably more those are just the ones i can think of off the top of my head

haha clearly you don’t play ranked XD unholy and frost are insane right now

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Clowns showing up missing gear OR 0/5 BOA’s OR GREY / WHITE non stat gear.

The ONLT teamwork that will fix this is VOTE KICK

Frost? Lol. You must have teammates who are terrible or don’t have disarms. Frost burst is based off of Pillar and it’s easy to track and you can coordinate cc/disarms every pillar to negate all of their damage.

well first off paladin don’t have disarm XD and dk is immune to paladin stuns most of the time XD and it’s not just based on pillar haha

AMS is removed in one GCD by a paladin with cooldowns. I’m not sure paladins should be struggling with DKs at the moment.

I keep getting in to bgs with 9 of 10 from oceanic. quite obvious there in coms. why is NA queing with oceanic anyways. makes my latency go sky high.


what are you even talking about clearly you have not played a paladin lol dk simply needs to spam slow and run away till paladins cd’s are down then burst and kill with there priest because nobody plays anything but a disc anymore lol

You must not be playing a paladin correctly then because under no circumstances should a dk “run away” from you.

how do you propose a paladin with one dispelable slow and the 2 worst movement speed abilities in the game to not allow a DK with a spamable ranged slow with a movement ability they can use twice and is unstoppable prevent that? hmmm?

I’m not sure you should be talking when you’re hiding behind a Classic alt.

I don’t know… blessing of freedom, hand of hindrance, hoh from blade of justice, stuns, cross cc from your partner?

Their only escape from slows is death’s advance, and that’s only really useful if they’re running the death’s echo talent.

idc where they’re from, its ridiculous.

additionally, every character on MG should be deleted for the most obvious reasons.

Those are rookie numbers

I went 122 - 0 in a Classic AV on MM back in SL.

In all seriousness even I, as a 10 year MM main, think it needs to be tuned down. My best after coming back to WoW after a 2 year break was 31-0 so far.

This was why SPM won the war against Hydra. You never understood your enemy

Stormpike Militia of WoD and Legion was an amalgamation of several groups painstakingly organized through diplomacy. We had people from Cupcake Cartel, Clan Battlehammer, Alliance Vanguard, Prime, old TBT players, old CTG players, Weasels, old Proud Father Airlines players, forum posters, plus random people we picked up through games along the way.

Your refusal to embrace the competition we brought, and the extreme lengths you went to dodge it, not only split your premade entirely; it caused you to bleed players rapidly.

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Ye i dont do epics u just join a premade and win every game

This is a good point. 90% of Hydra seemed to enjoy premade vs premade (no matter who was on the other side) while a vocal minority had some issues. It’s too bad.

Edit to add, I can’t believe your avatar is still messed up after all these years lol

I was away and my sub expired over the last week. I think that’s why it went away again lol

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