Premade problem

I’m constantly flying SW. Weird to think that someone on these forums could have been my pilot lol.


AHHH nice to meet you Pepper <3!!! She’s/he’s SOOO CUTE!! GAH!

Give her/him pets for me!

You didn’t even have to ask!(she)
Obviously the same goes for your babies as well.

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

You got it

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My dad was always trying to get me to go into the marines, he was a corpsman. We lived near the air force base so I wanted to go pilot instead but he said I couldn’t be a pilot because the jets are too small. I asked a pilot much later, they said I just couldn’t fly fighters but I could fly helicopters and such. My dad really wanted me in the marines.

LOL this sounds like every BG I play in… EXCEPT I don’t spend the rest of the game in GY…

very often, being a good player that puts effort into BG puts a TARGET on your back… Yes I have been TOP damage TAKEN in 90% of my BG’s. Once the other team figures out who the threats are, you get focused, ESPECIALLY if you are VS a premade.

This is where it MATTERS if the rest of your team are UNDER GEARED CLOWNS, i can do my part but if the clowns on my team can’t support or kill the enemy when 3 vs 1 it won’t end well.

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Grouping within the allowed metrics with people you like playing with is griefing/ruining the game for others? lol Thought that was why I play an MMO instead of a solo player game?

This is literally the entire reason anyone plays video games.

Nothing about you worth respecting so far as I can tell from your insanely entitled, bratty outbursts. If you want to isolate yourself and never meet anyone to play the game with that’s entirely your choice, but that’s a you issue, not an everyone else issue.

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he only cares if ur doing sync q’s

It was news to everyone else as well

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lmao Imagine them specifying something that majorly different from what their rant sounded like.

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Oh trust me he already got roasted for it :rofl:

Why cant you specify

I did…

Scares me you’re flying planes with hundreds of people tripple 5

Most premades are sync ques cause 5 of them just isnt enough lul

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epics im sure it’s all sync qers

10 mans you’ll face maybe one every two weeks

You just big mad no one likes you.

I think he just enjoys roleplaying the villian


The Horde sees him as a giant coward whiner. :smiley:

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I’m down to 1v1 any of you.

Its just that they imagine being a coward is not running headfirst into a 5v1 and a fight you know you cant win so.

And anytime any of them are willing to seek me out is to 4 or 5v1 so they say i always run and i do cause its the smart thing to do

Epics aren’t 1v1 smoothbrain.