Premade problem

I’ll take you up on this offer


I’ll be waiting <3

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Then don’t expect me to not run to my team and instead stay and fight your 5v1 im good chief

Are you going to add me or not lol

(who am I kidding, they do call you tripple 5… don’t they ;_; )

Got my hopes up t5

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I’d like to thank DJL for the free 110 conquest earlier this week. It wasn’t a very competitive game but they tried their best!

Oi! I got what looks like could be florin’s mom (or grandma, she’s ~14).

Freddy (aptly named) the dog, Lily the cat.

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I was in a different bg. One grp was split. I heard how yall were not completing objectives and just being turds again as usual.


I’m sure moments before that second photo they were up to no good

" :eyes: nah we were just playing dad I swear. Yea… that loud noise you heard? No clue :grimacing:"

Lily really does look like she could be florins mom doesn’t she :rofl:

PS: I love the staircase!

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She keeps him in line good. He’ll try to chase her and she just threatens to slap him and he backs off. Doesn’t even bring out the claws, the paw raised alone is enough :joy:

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Somehow, you manage to try and sound smug but come across sounding like a pompous juvenile who basically survives and maintains social stature by the accomplishments in a video game.

Personally, I feel sorry for you. Hope you figure out what the true meaning of Servant Leadership means, “To Victory goes the spoils.” lest the spoiled use victory to bring upon them shame.

Never were good with sports or teamwork were you? The leadership is obviously non-existent or malicious.

I heard you called out Carnak and claimed you were going to beat him silly. Only to have your spanks handed to you so badly by him that you quit the instance in a fit of rage or disgust.

Which was also a 2v1 of double assass rogue both kiting lul

Assass is THE most busted class in the game right now even more than arms warrior

I wasn’t aware killing players in a bg wasn’t an objective of the match.

Most of you afked anyway after getting farmed for the 10th time.

Calm down guy. It’s a video game lmao

Ironic, You should remember that yourself before you come on here with your paltry attempt to shame those playing a video game.
Sad part is this is your life… Myself I have many other objectives I focus on that come far before spending time coming into a public forum, looking to besmirch others, in poor taste.


So do I. You and your ilk make a habit of judging others just the same.

Ironic considering your leadership has a history of writing checks that their behinds can’t cash :slight_smile:

I seem to recall last time I played you fools we won. We had glaives yall didn’t even bother coming for, riiiiight under your noses. And what you typed is an admission of not completing objectives, which is gameplay sabotage :smiley: How long before your comment is edited?

More non-nonsensical ramblings of a fool presuming to know more than you have the capacity to understand. Enjoy your time online, I am headed out to have dinner and drinks with my friends before I come on later to melt a few pixels.

My poor checks will have to suffice to pay for my paltry dinner and drinks I will enjoy and i relay mire your name in smirks tonight.

I raise a glass to you sir… You are a better pixel fighter than I am.

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See ya in a bit bud!

LMAO you already took that out!

Considering that the reinforcement timer being depleted is, in fact, an objective of Ashran I’d wager you don’t even know the definition of gameplay sabotage.