Yea it’s my own fault. I first assumed it was a troll (still not totally convinced it’s not), but now it seems pretty clear this is a real person… which makes this all the more unsettling.
I’d def be a twice baked potato…A very well done dried out potato.
All the fairy tales that you’re making up right now is definitely a sign that you have some disorders that need to work. Go to your nearest clinic and get help. Just because I hit 2.4 k on different accounts doesn’t mean that you need to be all upset just because you’re a few hundred points below me in rating in reality while I’m just casually playing, and you’re just sitting there sweating away not even reaching half of the difficulty level of matches that I have to face. I play against serious players, you don’t. You get third-party help, then cry on multiple different threads about how you can’t reach that Mark, and you complain about how I did. 2.3 K was very easy to obtain this season, it’s weird that you couldn’t do it. But we all found out through Discord what you actually did, and now that you’ve been exposed for that, it’s time for you to log off and try to move on with your life. 2.3 K was very easy it just took a little bit of time because of real life circumstances and only being able to play about two matches per day at most for the past couple weeks
Plot twist bro, this is his main, on God.
Finally! The proof we have all been looking for!
It is cringe that you think people care what your achievements have been with rating, ect.
It is even more cringe that it seems a bunch of people do seem to care a whole lot about your achievements and rating.
I don’t understand how the prestige of rating can coexist with rating being for sale. Everything in wow is for sale, so maybe just play the game if you like it because comparing achievements to try to one up other players means nothing while rating can be bought.
The most fun I had was helping those 13 players reach their first 1850 or 2k on my holy paladin and mage/hunter. Now they permanently have rewards and acheivements.
Reaching 2.3k in solo shuffle was very easy.
This may be the biggest cope iv seen on these forums.
So you mentioned two forum people on your video in the thumbnail, but I didn’t see them? Unless they were on their alts.?
Yes it was their alts and if you didn’t hear how upset they were the whole match, and constantly trying to co-ordinate against me while losing, you missed the point. This was at 2.4k rating in Regular RBGs
Yeah, they seemed pretty angry.
Wasn’t trying to offend you.
No offense taken, you’re good.
They hated me because I was in Dalaran Sewers ganking them on rogue and hunter, and using teleports to move around the map. There was a warrior named Mud that was begging for help from a rogue once to attack me with him and I just went AFK at that point, to go to sleep. I woke up like 8 hours later and he was still sitting there waiting for me with that rogue. Idk what they were doing but that was pretty bad.
Thank you, I feel honored.
Shame might be more appropriate but live your best life brother
I lost brain cells reading that wall of text lol… But the truth is you like to lie. Shame… you had a good guild
I played like 150 games and got to 2200… hmm How can a 2400 rogue not get higher?
I knew when they added to the game, it was all down hill from there. Boy was a right. Every expac, more and more stupid toys that shouldn’t exist keep getting added.
I think PVP is under a dictatorship. There’s this 1 dev who decides everything PVP