Premade potatoes

109 matches is not “a few” tho


Well I don’t really feel bad about doing that at the beginning of a season whenever it’s not affecting anybody. I got my gear and then I just slowly gemmed it and Enchanted it, and nobody was affected. I did not run into the same person twice, ever. There was no effect on anybody. 109 matches of doing that and playing randoms got me just enough conquest to fully gear my rogue. Also was making gold flying around. That Rogue is a throwaway character.

109 games later.


Achievements are account wide. Again with the ‘other’ accounts? lol! No one believes you. Literally no one.

Bro, just link the accounts.


You saw the video that was just now posted. You saw it was from Shadowlands RBGs, and you saw that this account creation date was literally the day of this expansions release aka. not the account shown in the video. You failed. Oops, you lose.

Oh yeah, and my Actual rogue from the video, also just like this hunter, was easily in gladiator and range beyond just like when I used my mage and holy paladin on that same account to do the same thing. Get over it. I actually got even higher on rogue than I did this Brand New Hunter.

My rogue on THIS account was afk in those 109 matches of blitz right when the season started and I got a lot of conquest and honor points farmed from it. I didn’t participate in any rated pvp on this new throwaway rogue. I’m not activating that license for 60 dollars just to show some nobody low ranked hunter on the internet all of the stuff I have on that account, when there’s plenty of people around here that already knows what I’ve done. Hope you enjoyed that video of me making people mad in Rated Battlegrounds though. Thanks for watching, obsessed and ill-knowledged new-fan of mine.

Oh, back pedaling already? You said you hit glad, but you didn’t. got it. :clown_face:

Sure you did bud.

So you’re actively throwing games? You think that’s good to share here?

I hit gladiator absolutely, and then used other characters to go back and forth up and down, below and above it over and over. That account seen in the video is the account that I did not buy this expansion for. Too bad though, you tried. It just didn’t work out.

Work on being un-bad in PvP and you won’t be frustrated and losing on the forums so often.

Also it wasn’t throwing if nobody cared.

You didn’t.

You actively lost matches and you think no one cares? No, the reality is you played in all 109 of those games and you lost because you’re an awful player and you have to lie about achievements.

Says the guy that has to lie about everything.

“Hur dur I’ll post videos of cheaters!”
“I have glad but it’s on another account!!1”
“I got 2300 but armory doesn’t work!!1”

lol! If you only lied about one thing, it would be whatever. But everything you say is a lie.

No matter how many fairy tales you type up and post, the fact is there’s evidence showing that I played very high rated RBGs, with people instantly worried at the start of every match, and all throughout the matches, of me being a “team fight rogue”, and for them trying to all gang me and didn’t even kill me once. It was hilarious. Like you, they thought they were good. It was fun reaching 2.3k this season and relatively easy. Unlike you, who played quadruple the matches I did, only to end up below me, because that’s exactly what you are. Below me. Thanks for letting me Ragdoll you with ease, with video evidence that the two rogues are absolutely 100% different and that this account is new and the other one is inactive which has all of my 2.4k characters. Holy paladin 2.4k, frost mage 2.4k, hunter, 2.4k, and rogue 2.4k. Next is shaman. You’ll be sitting down flat on one character losing to someone who’s like 83 years old IRL, and crying about me easily reaching what you never could. Brand new character just made with almost no HKs. You played hunter that long just to be an average PvP player. Thats your problem, not mine. Go work on it. When you’re done losing sleep at night over not reaching gladiator after your 3rd party help, call a local hotline for assistance with your issues.

2.3k was fun and easy to reach.

So according to you 78x4=28?

Math doesn’t add up tbh

I didn’t play 78 shuffle matches. 30 of those were me in green gear/quest gear and trolling around by entering pvp and getting conquest. Once I was fully geared/gemmed/enchanted, I pushed the rating very easily. It was more like 40 something matches where I wasn’t in green/quest gear. The ones I played over the past 2 or 3 weeks slowly.

What don’t you understand about New Character?

That’s still more than Adroi’s 28 matches tho

He didnt play that character this season. In the previous season he did indeed play quadruple the matches I did.

What do you mean?

You never hit glad. You never hit 2.4. You never hit 2.3.

The difference between you and the good players in this game and on the forums is no one is questioning them about their achievements. They aren’t bragging about what they have done. They don’t NEED to say how good they are, because they have everything to prove that.

You on the other hand have nothing. You can’t provide a single screenshot of achieving literally anything and your armory shows the exact rating you achieved. Armory doesn’t just ‘break’ for ONLY you.

And again mocking suicide. You’re a disgusting person and a joke on these forums.

you join a random expecting to join a random not premade. I see why now there are hardly teams Qing for rated anymore when they can be bad and stomp randoms. premades in randoms are contradictory and thats why there is rated bgs for people to Q up together.also instead of buying all the cool stuff like recipes for professions with honor, make it with conquest instead. that probably would make more pvp participation in rated again. but again blizz dont care about pvp in wow because people will still pay for wow while the company that bought blizz out will try to push their other products for profits

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most people pay for the carries now and its usually the ones that trash others the loudest are the ones who did

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On the video you mention two players (one which frequents forums) were they on their alts? Just curious.

Yea, I assumed they would try to buy their rating since they have been bragging that they would hit 2.3. The dumb thing about all of this is no one asked and no one cares. He started by bashing other players and got called out for it. Then started bashing me for pointing that out which turned into him saying I was bad, cheated, and he was going to hit 2.3.

I don’t get people.

understand what you are dealing with and consider the source

you’ve been following him around for days now…

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