What even is this take? They added a toy with 10min cd that lets you glide half of a zone at max in an expansion where we didn’t get flying until the very last zone. And this toy somehow ruined the game?
I got brain damage from trying to process this and I need an MRI.
from your poor life choices, one being the way you are on the WoW forums. The feather was a must in wpvp in WoD. If you actual play the game you would know what it did to it.
But thats your problem, you take WPvP seriously in the first place. I can just imagine you fuming while someone flies off in the air with a toy and picturing that is so funny to me.
WoW has had lots of issues over the years but Avianas Feather? That’s the funniest thing i’ve heard in so long.
But if you are talking to me, maybe I will, maybe I won’t. It’s fun watching the hardstuck challengers & rivals flip out over me posting on my bank alt from SoD.
Did you not read the part where I said at AFKd in Stealth every single one of those matches on the rogue that is on this account? Thats NOT my real rogue, as you can see here. THIS is my real rogue, in 2400+ RBGs.
Evidence and videos with numerous amounts of data and pictures. Lots of winning. That’s me. You though? Using your alts isn’t going to help you here. Everyone remembers, you’re just jobless and in denial. Let me know when you get past 1550. Since you’re THAT type of fan, you can send me some gold if you need your first 1750 achievement. 500k. If you want like 2k, for a typical in-denial fan like you, its gonna be 1.5 million gold.
Yes I did. With the rogue on this account. I dont use this rogue at all in rated pvp. You can see my account creation date and dee that it doesnt line up wkth the one from my channel. Different rogue and purpose altogether. I afk’d for conquest on it. 9 vs 10 stomputs are common because of how fake BGB is. I afk’d to 1500 and earned full conqeust gear.
It was the beginning of the season and it affected nobody. I only did it until I had full Conquest gear. Still won 40% of the games while doing so. Everyone’s fine. I never saw the same person twice.