I could only get a few minutes. Insufferable voices. That one guy who was getting angry because people didn’t do exactly like the hivemind wanted. 10/10 comedy.
He’s not gonna answer neither of those questions, so don’t bother. He’ll just dodge them
Just like he dodges fair pvp LOL
they don’t seem to realize those things can’t be true at the same time lol your either in a pvp community and coordinate or a casual player not both
I want a girl with a short skirt and a looooooooooooooooong
You might find something else long nowadays
What? I play with SPM when I do play, which isn’t much, but I’m also a casual player too, again since I don’t play much.
Wondering what your definition of “casual player” is, hoping you can elucidate.
“Casual” players don’t go out of their way to “not exploit” and work around the 5 man cap Blizzard has implemented.
Hmmm. I was thinking that “casual” in WoW context was someone who simply plays infrequently and skips high-end content in favor of a slower game pace.
High end gameplay like grouped and coordinated content? ie: raids, arenas, M+ and apparently…epic BGs?
if you were casual, you would just log on and play BG’s but what you guys are doing is going out of your way to find certain matches and manipulating matchmaking which is 100% not casual and also contributing to the decline of PVP as a whole at the same time
Bro… I didn’t believe you but damn… I got to 1:17 and I was like “Nah, Im out” that was painful.

You have decent players that play the game with objectives in mind.
They do well in combat and other players notice.
They get added to friends lists and invited to groups.
They are now “premade players”.
It’s more so really weird parasocial cliques. It’s the same reason everyone wanted solo shuffle so badly. Nobody wanted to have to try and pry their way into these giga sweaty cliques just to find someone to Que with reliably.
And have it be therefore artificially gatekept by those same sweats.
I don’t really blame anyone for not wanting to deal with other players in this game. Especially on the PvP side of things there are a lot of obnoxious,rude or straight up annoying personalities that I could do without.

You have the other type of player that is showing up in PvE/quest gear and clearly did not put any effort into preparing their character for a PvP battle in any way shape or form.
They run around doing whatever, don’t dps/heal well, fighting on the roads and repeatedly dying. They die so much they have plenty of time to chat with everyone “u gUys sUK”.
You kind of incur that when there is no limitation to Que for the mode like there is a ilvl requirement for blitz.
Can‘t cook fries with no potatoes!
Idk where everybody got this idea that randoms need to be taken seriously.

By posting on my alt I am actually way more honorable than either of you.
Ima need you to explain this because this is a ridiculous statement lmfao. Wth are you even talking about? What a stupid take.
He has not explanation. He’s just a troll that hides behind a low level and hidden account.
Because i’m not doing it for the clout, unlike most of the forum PvPers. I’m doing it for my own enjoyment. Some people really lack the skill to be able to achieve anything in this game so they just spend all day typing on here. It’s their only claim to fame, being obnoxious on forums for thousands of posts.
Also you literally are commenting on an alt as well with profile hidden, basically the same thing

Also you literally are commenting on an alt as well with profile hidden, basically the same thing
I don’t have an issue with you writing on your alt, I’m referring specifically to this:

By posting on my alt I am actually way more honorable than either of you.
That’s a dumb take. It makes zero sense.
Oh no someone on wow forums thinks I have a bad take, that’s never happened before!