Premade potatoes

Is that the one you dodge because they beat you guys ?

Also, can you please go duel Cel or something to prove how good you are already, its getting boring with all the Premade Syncers declaring they are good players but never backing it up.

The one’s I’ve seen get destroyed by any good player. Case in Point Nutz video destroying leaders who don’t know what to do outside of a zerg.


well now im hungry :pensive:

I’m Red Bliss.

wow that guy is angy! calling out all the rivals but afraid to post on his main…
cowardly. the que synch is strong in this one


Oh yeah, they’re just out there having the time of their lives, soaking up every glorious second with the absolute best friends they’ve ever had. No stress, no worries, just pure, unfiltered joy. Truly living the dream, lol.


to be honest it shows

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I think that made more sense in your head

I didn’t ratings shame anyone.

Here comes the “exploiting is ok if blizzard ignores it” BS.

I have my 2400 and you can see it on check PvP, wheres yours? :dracthyr_lulmao:

I’ll assume you’re one of the 6 out of 761 characters in RR that is above 2400 :wink:

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Couldn’t agree more with this. 100% truth.

no. its more like “they are aware of your concerns but its OBVIOUSLY not against tos”

or it would be fixed.

Celornka you are going to stroke out with all this unbridled rage you monster. AVM and our Mesohorny Warchief can Mesofixthat if you Mesoletithappen. Meso-whisper-me in game with promo code Mesowantbothyourcheaks and I will throw in our Moonguard MesoD-Minus sandwich special.

This guy is probably 1400 at best. How pathetic do you have to be to hide on an alt? We all know why you do.


Ya everyone who been playing the game for a while knows that’s a bunch of bull. Blizzard hasn’t even fixed the dc bug for priest mind control, and you can get banned for using it. Exploiting is against the rules. The problem is blizzard at the moment does not care about pvp. Stop the excuses for once in your life and accept reality.

So close to understanding what the problem is.

Why do you think they don’t fix it? Why do you think it took Blizzard over a year to fix Kickbot? Why do you think Blizzard disabled raid queuing for EBG’s?

You have two types of BG players.

You have decent players that play the game with objectives in mind.
They do well in combat and other players notice.
They get added to friends lists and invited to groups.
They are now “premade players”.

You have the other type of player that is showing up in PvE/quest gear and clearly did not put any effort into preparing their character for a PvP battle in any way shape or form.
They run around doing whatever, don’t dps/heal well, fighting on the roads and repeatedly dying. They die so much they have plenty of time to chat with everyone “u gUys sUK”.

Nobody adds those players to friends.
Nobody invites them to groups.
They are now and forever “pugs”.

Pugs are the reason why players group up.
They don’t want them on their team because they don’t want to lose.


Still better than a classic alt.


is korraks revenge an epic bg?

It’s an event bg that’s supposed to represent the “classic” EBG. So yes it is an EBG, not it’s not the same as modern EBG’s. Why are you bringing it up? Are you going to say, “we can raid queue in korraks so clearly blizzard want’s raids in random epics”?