See he’s just a troll. He blocked me LOL
Battleground Blitz is a lottery/coin-flip filled with braindeads, and full of PvEr’s getting boosted by website queue-syncers. End of story. Luckily I play in un-cheatable (except for win trades) brackets like solo shuffle and other areas like 2v2 <—(On holy paladin), where rating is much more skillfully obtained and much more meaningful than a coin toss with all of the nonsense above. Try again.
There is win-trading and sketchy stuff in every bracket. Keep coping though.
What you’re coping about is talking to yourself on alts while your rating is far below all of my old accounts from before this expansion. Yet this one suddenly tonight just flushed yours down the toilet in an instant too. I’m already at 2100 in Actual PvP, that isn’t cheatable, on this Brand New hunter, while you talk to yourself and sit at a rating you purchased with a lower number yet it’s inflated beyond words.
The biggest insult i’ve received on this forum is someone implying that I was your alt.
Your premade was yummy
Doesn’t matter what you say. You’re not good at PvP, and I am. Goodnight.
Always hunters… lol.
How many premade groups do you get into a week? DO you lead them?
You seriously think that this is my main character by some fairy tale concocted in your deteriorated mind? Everyone here knows I main rogue, and holy paladin. This is a tertiary throw-away and brand new, yet here I am. Winning. 2.3k now by the way. Good way to end the season without going sweaty vs. wintraders. I did my job and got all my elite transmogs for all chracters. Something you’ll never do. Bye.
I refuse to play epics but occasionally I will play some random bgs for fun with friends. Especially pre-season and mid-season (when queues are off or dead)
Yeah random bgs still have some good matches late in the season I quit rated a month ago. I only ever epics at the start of an expansion. Get the daily done. Never step foot into the ruined landscape of epics with all the cheater Que synchers. Too bad too because a good AV march or WG match is fun. But the chetaers have just found a way to ruin it. So until blizz bans them all no point in playing. And that’s really the format to attract new players to PvP. Most newbs don’t suddenly just step into rated. So with no fresh PvP players because epics are ruined with cheaters …meh. Blizz don’t care
Why lie? I get you lie about everything else, but why lie now? Everyone can see your rating. Why lie about being glad? Why lie about videos you have never posted? What’s the matter with you?
Are those everyone in this room with us?
Those are on his ‘other’ account. The ones that he has glad on. According to you him you just have to search for it. I mean, who knows what we are supposed to look for, but it’s out there I’m sure.
You already saw the pictures and videos. Get a life. Yeah it’s weird that the Armory didn’t update, but 2.3k was very easy. Not sure why armory didnt update. Doesnt matter. Got my 2.3k as usual and getting it just like every other season. Might go for gladiator on my mage.
How pathetic do you have to be to keep lying? Your armory has been up to date the whole time. You haven’t been playing.
Hitting 2.3k was pretty easy for me. Sorry you didn’t make the mark. I didnt even use any addons either. Not one. Maybe you should try to improve, and get over your embarassing losses next time you decide to sit on a weak boosted rating after purchasing from websites kid. You’ll never be up to par by getting 3rd party “help”.
Everyone can see your record. You’re 2128. Just own it. You’re the only one that cares about rating.
You couldn’t just accept the fact that you were losing and had to attack other players. Grow up.
Hitting 2.3k was very easy. Zero addons too by the way. Literally not 1 addon enabled or installed. I see you didn’t make the mark. Being a loser in PvP rather than a winner might be your issue. Try improving instead of getting left in the dust after getting “help” from 3rd parties and sitting on a fake rating. Your 1800 is showing. Pull up your pants. Armory didn’t update and that’s Blizzards problem, not mine. Or actually, you can keep crying about how I did it in barely over 40 matches.