Premade potatoes

What do you realistically see yourself as?

I reached 2.3k in solo shuffle and BG blitz is a fake/trash game mode. Yes I afk’d on my rogue and still won 40% of the time. Coin clip simulators arent game modes. Especially when it takes 30 queue restarts and 40 minutes to get a match due to people queue syncing their overseas VPN’d acccounts. I afk’d to 1500 on rogue for conquest points and obviously by the stats you can see it played ZERO rated games, unlike my ACTUAL rogue shown in the video.

You couldnt reach 2.4k much less the 2.3k I reached and your 3rd party help didnt push you far enough because youre jobless. Two or 3 sittings and I reached 2.3k on a brand new hunter. Try not looking like trash next time you speak.

My actual rogue reached 2.4k in RBGs multiple seasons and this new account and hunter, flattened you in shuffle with ease

Cant queue synch in shuffle. You lose.

lazyrus you write too much numbers and you know as they say special characters in ur name, mean special characters irl. so the other guy wins

What is wrong with Rival? That is 2k, most players don’t hit that.


I’m atrocious at pvp lol, I don’t have any issue recognizing that

The guy that complains about people throwing games says he throws games. Got it. A+ response. :clown_face:

You have never reached 2.4 on anything. How about you post some more dueling videos and act like that’s proof. :clown_face:

Plot twist. The loudest always have something to hide lol.

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Absolutely nothing. Its just goal post moving from players trying to punch down. You could be 2.5k and a 2.6k would say you are a rat and your rank is trash. You can never win and one of the biggest reasons our community doesn’t get taken serious like PvErs.


Nothing of course. “Rating shaming” is a really strange card for a Classic Coward™ to be playing.


Already showed the videos and pictures across multiple threads. One day, if you work on it really hard, you’ll almost be half as good as me. I’ve done it on 4 classes. Gladiator. Something you have yet to get even once. Anyways now that we’ve established that you’re a stalker that found out info that harmed you irl, because it was true to everything I said, you can try to move on with that life and move up a notch from Burger King.

2.3k was easy.

Are the videos and pictures in the room with us right now? Could you let us know which Lazarus is talking now? Is it the one letting everyone know you enjoy throwing matches?

Or the one complaining about people throwing?

Community Note: Lazarus won 36% of the time on his rogue

Surely you’re not both complaining about people throwing and also throwing matches. It’s for your own good that you come to grips with yourself.

Or are we talking to this Lazarus? The one that doesn’t post any pictures of videos?

Or is it this one?

It’ s just so hard to keep up with the many versions of you.

Which one is it? :thinking:

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Badroi is one of the people @4:03 in this video. He is bad at PvP, and absolutely intrigued by how I am doing what I’m doing, while trying to gang me, and tell other people how to do it, but only passive-aggressively. Like a beta, he is trying to study how I pull off what I do. His fake friends/internet-acquaintance’s/Discord-E-Relationships, are all of the other people constantly complaining about losing to me. He surrounds his self with people that think about both of my rogues. One that doesn’t pvp, and my old rogue, that easily reach 2.4k alongside my other hunter/mage/holy paladin combo that I’ve always used. Thinking about trying a 5th to gladiator. Then again, I have a life and a wife, and kids. Something he will never have. Nor will he ever log into Discord for a Live-recorded conversation. I know that all of you secretly want that to happen right now.

Anyone wanna see something like that? Any interest? LMAO nahhhh he would need a bar that can break into 4 pieces, a totem pole basically, and some other “stuff” to get him through. He would probably need like 8 benadryls from his local dollar store to get through the night afterwards and get sleep too. He can’t take actual pressure. All because of being inferior to me in a video game that he thought he was good at.

Anyways, 2.4k in RBGs always when I care to. They will never forget. Rest in Peace Xelonith. Dunking on the whole lobby was fun.

Need I post more from my Actual Rogue? Not talking about the one on this account that I got free conquest from by not even participating.

I just want to know which Lazarus I’m talking to. The one that says they haven’t posted anything of the one that says they have?

That’s also a lot of words to say nothing at all. Also, I’m not in any of your videos and continuing to spam and advertise your content is against forum rules.

I’m not interested in going on a date with you or trying to meet up with you IRL for your fantasies. You can meet me in the ring though? Wanna do that march 8th? You can meet me there if you want to try it.

Or you can stay in your safe-zone from home, on Discord as mentioned, right now.

Anyone wanna see what happens? IRL PvP, Discord PvP, or in-game PvP? Either way you’re out-classed by me in all of them. Obviously.

Drop your discord name real quick I’ll add you and get it going Live.

You two need to get a room and stop trashing OPs thread, I’d rather talk about potatoes then scroll past the noise.


I don’t blame you. Just notice who started it, and who finishes it. I do apologize he ruined your reading of the topic at hand. If you go to his post history from his profile, you’ll see his attraction to me in real life and in-game.

I’m worried about this guy and hoping my interventions will help. If only more people cared, he might actually get a grip with who he is. :cry:

log into Discord. I’ll get everyone to watch you try this Live on Youtube. LMK when you’re ready. Anyways 2.3k was easy, and I did it while half asleep.

I try to limit my time with people who are pathological liars.

Right now, which one am I talking to? The one that cries about people throwing matches or the one that brags about throwing matches?

Two different rogues, on two accounts, with two different purposes, made by one person. Me. You saw the history, and you can just look back at your recent purchases from websites and feel stupid now. Looks like you don’t want to log into Discord to run your mouth. Peace.