Premade garbage, done with tihs

Pugging involves grouping.

I love how even Xaryu agrees there needs to be a separate queue but all the forums brigadiers must protect the farm

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Blizzard Devs more than likely participate in premade bg and gdkps. Until it affects a Blizzard Devs private game time, it will not be changed or fixed.

You just have to be patient and hope a Blizz dev has a negative experience with Premade bg groups or gdkps. Dont hold your breath.

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The people you get from LFG are not your “friends” pal, they join so you can stomp pugs for easy honor. Blizz are just lazy to fix it

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I already cancelled. I have a couple weeks left but no point in playing either. This garbage sucks and they have made it clear they won’t attempt to make it better.

Those extra chromosome having mfers really changed avengers shield to a slow (good) but then didn’t do anything with the outrageous 10 sec duration (bad). They should stick to smoking crack instead of writing code.

Because a streamer is the end-all when it comes to discussion. /eyeroll

I also love how anyone with a different opinion is just a “forum brigadier”. Yeah, we couldn’t possibly be players as well.

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I was more saying a rank one so a “good” pvp player. but I am also more talking about the type of negative remarks. they are very constructive lol

No, he’s right. Premades are ruining PvP right now. But they don’t have to. Blizz can fix it. I think they will.


Agree, the premade thing is stupid. If they don’t remove the -30% damage reduction in WSG I’m gonna let my sub run out, it’s ruining the experience.

I think they’d have to be oblivious to not. Or perhaps not enough resources. But that would just be sad; especially with how popular is seems SoD is.


Premades are quite literally unfun to fight, and unfun to stomp with


You don’t even need to add a pure solo queu mode

Just cut the honor rewards from all bgs by 3/4s and put 4x the honor on a “queu random” button that only works if you’re solo.

The honor incentive greatly incentivizes people to then play solo and queu for all bgs instead of just one (which yes I realize right now there’s only WSG, but at 60 it’s a VERY REAL problem that anyone not in a premade does AV, anyone in a premade does WSG, and no one does AB)
 but premades can still feel good about their winrates and stomp if they like, they’ll just get dramatically less honor for doing so.

I actually like the idea but its the marks people are after and the hks


Right but the majority that ARE posting are telling blizzard the premades need to queue with premades, or they need to be limited to how many can Queue.

WAY more people are coming to the forums to voice that the premades against pug queue has got to go, and they dont care if it bumps queue times 5-15 minutes to avtually get into other games with randoms so there is more competitive gameplay for people who dont wanna be sweat lords.

Don’t even need to do that, just have party (5 mans) max queue so friends can still queue, or make premades Q against only Premades so they actually have to fight for their rep still instead of getting it essentially for free.

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This is the exact example of when they SHOULD actually listen,a nd I’ve been seeing posts liek this for literally a week+ before I decided I had enough and needed to add my two cents as well.

Premades have no place in Queue with PuGs.
Fix it Blizz, don’t mess this up.

Is not a factor for people doing WSG as a premade currently. The rank cap is currently rank 3, which can be done getting ~2k honor in a week at R0(which can be done in about 3 wins in WSG while not farming HKs), then 4.5k in a week at R2 to hit R3 on reset(for me, this was about 2 hours with an LFG chat group, with no gear/consumable requirements and the closest to an “optimal” comp was having one priest).

People queuing in premades are primarily queuing to grind rep from revered to exalted in WSG. They’re playing capture the flag - which is what WSG is - not blobbing in the middle. Now, if you want to say cut the rep by 3/4 and give 4x rep
 I mean, if people are going to play like the BGs I experienced yesterday morning, getting 25% rep while forming a trade/lfg chat group and actually playing the battlefield objective would probably end up getting you through a rep grind faster than solo queue giving 16x the rep when this is what people are doing when solo queuing:

This premade vs pugs thing is actually really bad design.

We need premade vs premade and solo vs solo

or even like some other posts are saying to just simply limit premade queues to a party max so we don’t make queue times longer.

If there was no more paladin stacks, chances are is there would be more horde queueing

You should be able to queue as Duo, but these SWEAT JOCKEYS should be forced to battle one another if they queue as a full pre-made.

How about make some friends and do a premade