Premade garbage, done with tihs

Thanks!! One less of you people.

Don’t worry will be plenty less in two weeks if nothing changes. I surely won’t miss boring one fight wsg games.

Lmao most of you whiners are addicts who can’t quit.

I love all the tears. Thank you so much for the joy you give me.

Totally out of touch. Your opinion is part of the 2% of players who can’t pvp and need premades to farm Honor or “have fun”.

Solo queue is absolutely necessary ASAP.


That is only natural. People get filtered, it is what it is. Better to lose a couple hundred than thousands

Where do you get your statistics?

By the number of people who quit retail by adding garbage like this.

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I understand your frustration, but saying you are quitting after your sub runs out is like a drug addict saying they will stop once they use up the rest of their stash.

Yep, tired of this. Needs to be premade vs premade.


you would think with the amount of people unsubbing and or not “wasting their time with wsg” we would see less of these threads and more premade vs premade in game.

I think they should just add a solo queue.


+1 bump, solo queue for the real PvPers.


Godspeed young priest.

You will be missed.


My game time ends on Christmas day. Got a couple fun games lined up already and am enjoying them. Enjoy your botted, gold buying, sweaty paradise pal.

Have a good one little Gnome .


This. Pugging is where the real challenge and fun happens. Premades are boring and easy. Stack the best classes and then steamroll randoms.

What Esport lets 10 randoms with no min requirement vs a balanced group of 10 that chose to queue together though?


The point is that you are corralled into making premades in order to be viable. Which is an esport dynamic.

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you sure told us.

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Bless all the sockpuppets.
Farewell and safe travels.

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This just in grouping in an MMO = esport.