Premade garbage, done with tihs

Done with this game after sub runs out, blizz says they listen to gamers but I think not.


Can I have ur stuff?


There’s no reason there shouldn’t be a solo queue and premade queue. Except that Blizzard is lazy and cowtows to streamers.


I’m done with queueing up with full gear on my warrior and only hitting for 100 autos with my purple sword. 25% flat damage nerfs are not fun



Guess what no one cares about you and streamer subs are more valuable


It’s rough, it would be nice if there was some way other than wsg to get rep after reverred if they aren’t going to do anything about premading. But disregarding rep, wsg is such a fun battleground when it’s 2 similarly skilled/geared teams coming up against each other. It’s a shame if you solo queue this very rarely happens.


Just because they don’t listen to you and what you want doesn’t mean they don’t listen to the player base.

I feel they listen to what I want very strongly.

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The majority dont like premades, so explain base.


They majority don’t post so you don’t have a clue… try try again.


Cry more. You won’t be missed.

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I was solo queuing WSG earlier, and noticed that it’s really gotten out of hand. People are giving up and saying, “It’s a premade.” when it’s clearly not a premade. Why are we, as a community_ tolerating people who are absolutely not trying, trolling the team, arguing, calling for us to throw, and then complaining on the forums about premades?

It’s not OK. Who do you think is making your own situation worse? Hint: It isn’t other people.

Anyone complaining that there aren’t enough healers in your PuG solo-queue WSG, go reroll a healer.

Complaining about losing to a premade? Either start paying attention, focusing up, trying to be a leader in the BG and do something positive, or don’t queue. Trolling your team, being worse than not even being there is absolutely deplorable.

You think that every team is an impossible hurdle, and nothing can possibly allow you or those around you to win, because “insert-reason-here.” Well, it’s on us as a community that we have allowed this sort of behavior.

I sure don’t think it’s OK, and I hope the devs start handing out suspensions or bans for people who are sinking the ship.

The BG queue system is FINE. People trolling their teams is not.



Not even 1% of the player base cares about this issue.

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Nah, they just don’t “cowtow” to random whiners. I’m not a streamer and I have zero issue with how things are. It’s part of the challenge and you either figure it out and work within the system, or you fail, cry, and run home to mommy.

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Grind out your rank 3 and quit queueing. That’s what I did and it’s been great. I can wait for Arathi Basin.

All this complaining. Could of spent this time forming your own group making your own friends ooooor truly not caring and enjoying pvp for what it is.


They can’t because they are bad. That is the real root of the issue

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Make your own premade?

I can’t imagine Blizzard is so disconnected that they’re still in some kind of eSports mentality for not only wow classic, but what is supposed to be a casualized version of wow classic.

I mean, really?

There’s no question here. A solo queue needs to be introduced. The overwhelming majority of the player base only wants to play that way. They aren’t interested in premades.

The best tip I can give Blizzard here is to not force players to play in ways they don’t want to play in order to not just get steamrolled rolled all day by easily fixed imbalance. It’s not good game design for a non-Esports endeavor.


Bye Felicia


They’ve separated groups before, it’s not unprecedented.
Twinks were taken out of the general queue and put into the xp off queue. They certainly have the ability to separate groups from solo players.
But don’t hold your breath. Posting here will do nothing, you need to speak with your wallet.