Premade garbage, done with tihs

I’ll never understand why people come to WoW of all things for serious PvP


same reason they do it in ffxiv, bdo, gw2, eso or literally any other mmorpg that has pvp…because they enjoy pvping.


that makes even less sense than WoW lol

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You know how people get all giddy and min max / “sweat” for PvE content? This going to sound crazy but there are people who get that same feeling for PvP. No matter the game, no matter if its “fair” or not. they just genuinely enjoy it.

Oh I just play other games instead. Many people are. lol

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more like not even 1% of the player base thinks full premade vs 10 pugs is normal xD


I agree with op and unsubbed.


I can’t imagine Blizzard is so tone deaf that they would insist eSports design follows us into wow classic SoD. That would be just silly. They have to understand a solo queue is virtually imperative here.


If youre already honored rep, why even bother further. Just do the pvp event in ashenvale on the daily and you can easily get exalted throguh time. No need to deal with premades. Pfft.

Because they are actually really bad at it and that is why they don’t play games that actually cater to it.

Just a side note that Ashenvale does not yield any rep after Revered, so you’ll need to WSG for Exalted if you want it.


It may be possible through STV event in next phase so who knows but why put yourself through that misery when rank is capped right now. Not worth it.

I played in premades to R13 on this toon shortly after the honor rework. I will confirm with no exaggeration that premade players are the worst pvp players in this game. It could NOT be more obvious that without premade groups none of these players would even make rank 10. They would call out which groups are going to which bunkers and if ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING went abnormal i.e a group of 5 ally storming icewing bunker, they would panic and start arguing with each other over discord. It was hilarious.


This is actually very true. Those who just play random teams have to learn how to deal with all sorts of different situations. Premades tend to stick with one thing they’ve heard and think it’s the meta. Then they just go face roll pugs with stacked OP classes and gear.

Granted, any level of coordination will win a game pretty much regardless of the strategy picked. But their inability to adapt to situations is pretty prevalent. Pre-mades are just not fun to play in. And not remotely challenging.

Not only is pugging something that requires more skill to succeed in, but it’s just more fun and dynamic. They should definitely have their own league to thrive in.


I love all the tears. Thank you so much for the joy you give me.

Sastra your the type to glitch 10 man’s into pugs only with an alt. Who cares what you have to say. If your pre-mades are so great and fun what are you doing on forums?


Why do you keep calling other players bad? Brother it’s possible to look up people’s achievements on the forums. You do not even have a 1750 achievement… who are we fooling here?


Yep, then you face pugs and stomp them in 8-10 minutes, it’s just as boring as on either side. The only fun is pug vs pug and premade vs premade.


I have never done anything like that, it is absolutely not necessary.

Naturally, pugstomping is the best. Great honor and great fun. The gift that keeps on giving.

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