Premade Epic BG

I did just read that :joy::joy: Clearly someone doesn’t queue epic Bgs.


Most of these people outside apparently Holycow who sit on the forums 24/7 crying about premades probably barely play the game as is.

Amazing how much crying there is about a “problem” that occurs not nearly as much as they claim.


OP, you do know that horde premades play even moreso than alliance ones.

You don’t want them around too, right? :thinking:




Horde queue times for epic is 5 minutes. 7 minutes at 3am est.

Something people don’t seem to consider is players could still sync solo queues and get in with a fair number of people. So that wouldn’t be a ‘premade.’ But the same-olds would still cry about it.

TBH i think the horde players who complain are simply upset they don’t steamroll alliance quite as much as they could before.

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I don’t think most of these people even play. At least the ones constantly making threads.

maybe the forum trolls are all those bots we see in BG doing nothing ?



Yeah, it’s really not fun for pugs.

I’ve also run into premade raids multiple times when I’m trying to get a daily win. The games are extremely one-sided.


I don’t actually get a fair game until the system finally matches me against a pug team.

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Premades have no advantage in a team fight . No one is saying target healers .

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Yikes, that’s some bad hk numbers

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He’s probably talking about daytime hours where Horde premades don’t seem to exist.

Ruthless seems to play night times. That’s when I’ve run into him

He plays afternoon too I think . I have seen him outside evening prime time

The player base has been asking for this since the launch of Random BG queues. Blizzard clearly has never had any intention of listening to the players on this topic. Random casual BGs need to be just that, random casual.

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He can show up at any time.

I’m just talking about how Horde prems don’t seem to run outside prime time evening, so that could be an issue for some.

Imagine Blizzard enforcing their own rules.

That’s an interesting point. Yeah, it seems to really depend on time of day. I’d wager many (most?) of us play during ‘NA prime time and maybe later’ so that’s where our perspective is centered. I don’t really have an idea of how good/bad it is for either side outside of that general window.

I think horde communities play very regularly during prime time; alliance less so. That’s why i can’t help but be a bit sympathetic to prime time alliance puggers. But I think a lot of them don’t understand they’d still be unhappy vs. horde pugs.


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