Premade Epic BG

The last 4/5 epic Bg’s have been against a Ruthlessbro premade. It’s unreal that blizzard allows this exploitation of the matchmaking system to continue. I push the group to report him every. single. time. and nothing…

Thanks for the terrible customer service too, blizz.


Should be the same in Random BG as well. There seems to be no balance in matchmaking so if one team is not getting a balanced team to fight with then why should a group that has the best classes for a BG be able to queue up together. If you want to play as a group that way then you should only be allowed to play in Rated BG’s imo. /end rant


They should have join as raid option, then at least they could try to match premades against each other and fill the rest of the spots with casuals, I don’t care if I’m facing a premade if our team is a partial one. The premade vs pug is what’s annoying AF for epics.

Yeah some degenerates would probably still queue sync as groups to avoid that, but then at least you’d know their claim to fight other premades is total bs.


Can’t disagree with this.


Both sides premade. Just leave. Wait 15 minutes then join another one. Highly unlikely, you will get the same premade.

The system already struggles to do that under the current setup.

If the system we have now could match premades, whenever a premade raid joins AV, the other team would also have six 5-person parties. Premade raids would frequently face other premade raids. Unfortunately, that’s not happening.

I mean, it already kinda is. They face pugs most of the time. If they go against another premade raid, some of them AFK out if their team is losing. Also, war games are too hard to coordinate. So, roflstomping pugs it is.

Please don’t leave. That just spreads the premade raid misery to even more pugs.

The current system matches parties, without a raid though it has no idea how to tell if 5 parties is a premade or just 5 random groups. A raid makes it super easy for the system to know when it has premades to match.

Again, the system has no way of knowing who is a premade, a raid would make it easier for it to match against other raids. I’m trying to give premade groups the benefit of the doubt, most of ones on this forum say they like facing other premades, there maybe some who purposely stomp pugs, but under a raid system they would be easy to identify.


Yeah, it already struggles to match parties.

Not from what I’ve seen, can always find at least a few parties in my raid if I’m against a premade, even in random BGs I can find a few just looking for crowns. They may only be 2 or 3 in size vs a premades 5, but it tries. Matching 5 parties of equal size is a lot harder than matching a raid of 15 or 20 players.

5/7 against his premade


Is it though?

You’d think it’d be easier to match smaller premades. For example, a 1-person “premade” is the easiest to match.

What’s going to happen if there’s a 20-person premade? Will the system be able to match it? Or will it just eventually give up and match the premade raid against smaller premades and pugs?

Keep in mind, if queues are long/longer, premade raids will likely go back to their sync queuing.

It doesn’t have to match raids exactly, even if its a 10 man premade against a 20 man, I’d take that any day of the week over a 20 man premade vs a pug with no leadership.

An attempt is better than nothing, premades will never go away, even if I don’t like them, doesn’t really matter, I’ve played this game a long time and Blizzard has never taken an issue with them, so better to find a middle ground.


6/8 in another premade against him right now

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i too constantly match with his premades. back to back sometimes. it is very annoying.


You were in that AV? That wasn’t terrible. But they did burn towers and kill Galv.

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Most players in pug groups are just there to be carried. They don’t even have all basic pvp gear. A lot are under 300k health. A premade of 5 people in full conquest gear can destroy 40 enemy players. It is better to leave and find better games.

Call me crazy but I enjoy fighting premades. As long as our team tries a little and doesn’t just feed kills, idc if we win or lose.

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Were the 40 enemy players blind, deaf and lacking arms and hands?

No. And, also… where are these forty players that are all undergeared at anyway?

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Mr. Troll, please step off my wave - locals only.