Premade Epic BG

That is just what I see. Premades on both sides just charges the enemy zerg in av in the beginning. No tactics or anything. They would win. If you play enough epics, you would see that also easily.

That would be a sight to see.

I assume the 40 enemy players are wearing zero gear and have zero healers?

I don’t know what they are wearing since they are enemies. All I know is that Premades usually just attack the zerg in av. No tactics or anything. If I am on the receiving end, I would leave once the zerg gets destroyed.

This is the reason lots of people complain about premades. It usually just a one sided massacre.

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Rich you’re calling people trolls when you derailed another thread to whine about premades.


Scroll up, child. This is my thread. You’re really not good at sh*t talk. You’re a beat irl lmao.

I didn’t say it wasn’t you smooth brain. You should probably take your own advice before trying to advise others lmao.

This is what should swing the decision making by blizzard.

It is not uncommon to lose 3/4 of your original gate team by the end of the premade epic. People just leave and leave and leave. So in the end, MANY more people were negatively affected than were enjoying that workaround.

If the que pool gets smaller, the premades will feel more and more common. It increases your odds of entering into a bg in progress that is a premade due to there being less players to que in.

This is a downward spiral situation. If 70 players keep having a bad experience versus the 40(or less) that enjoyed it, that’s not a good recipe.


That isn’t anything exclusive to premades. People mass afk out of pug v pug games constantly. Doesn’t matter which epic it is.


Yes, 15 years later… THIS is the moment

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It might be even more than 70.

I’ve seen pugs enter an in-progress epic bg and then whine because it was the same one they deserted.

This also. Lose the fight at SR (premade or not) 3/4 of your team leaves. Lose the fight at RoC in Ashran, same thing, majority leave.

With that logic, when a ship is sinking, lets just build a swimming pool in the hull. I mean there’s already water in there anyways, right? What’s a little more going to hurt?

Probably because there aren’t many epics going at once. Try specific queueing epics and see how long the queue is. Tried specific queueing ashran for instance and was in queue for the better part of an hour.

Probably because your logic can be used against you. I provided examples. Has zero to do with premades and everything to do with people’s general distaste of certain BGs/losing.

It has to do with unbalanced fights like your example of SR :wink:

So with your own actions, you acknowledge the core issue is around imbalanced battles where premades have ALL of the advantage. An advantage that blizzard already acknowledged they do not want you having.

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Uh no.

Imbalanced battles happen in pug v pug games. There are better players on one side in every match. Just depends on who has more. Again, you’re looking for some confirmation bias that suits your argument.

Also, I’m queueing with 5 people. How do I have an unfair advantage in a game where there’s 35 other pugs on my team and 40 people on the enemy team?

This ought to be hilarious since you’re the one claiming every community is sync queueing to get more than 5 people in.

Uh yes.

Players don’t leave good competitive fights. Unless it is seething shore. They leave once the main pivotal fight is lost. Why? Because for example, the SR fight in WG typically decides the winner. And the defender has an advantage at SR due to getting there so early.

People leave Ashran after the RoC loss. Why? Because that typically decides the winner.

And once people encounter the premade farming choke at Galv or IWB in AV, the exodus starts.

In IoC, people feel that the hangar fight makes or breaks the whole game. Hangar loss? Exodus starts.

People are NOT leaving WG, Ashran, IoC, and AV until that imbalance presents itself. And in a premade, that imbalance reveals itself very early.

Your logic sucks, tbh.

EDIT: 2 sentences in and you already start typing. I know you have no attempt at objectivity here so don’t bother.

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Even as defenders people leave if they lose SR in non premade Bgs. Same with roc in Ashran. Hangar in ioc. Pugs are impatient these days, premade or not.


That’s the only fight that matters in the argument because people mass quit after losing it.

See above.

Wiped a horde premade using this strat the other night. All it takes is goading the pugs to play strategically.

Dang, I guess all of those pug games where I’ve been present and we’ve lost the team fight to ANOTHER pug and people left didn’t occur then.

Trying to reference logic when you have none,

At least thanks for confirming you just want an echo chamber where you can blame premades instead of realizing that it’s people’s attitudes/biases coupled with poor map design and mechanics.

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Didn’t you hear? Apparently mass afks in pug games don’t exist. It’s only a consequence of premades. Can’t argue with the guy hiding on a classic alt constantly complaining about premades.

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