Premade Epic BG

^ It can be rough trying to get one win.

Alliance side is always difficult to get a win, any time of day, unless you land in a premade or at least win the first fight. I think on Alliance side everyone goes in expecting to lose so at the first sign of it they all give up. Last night I ran a few Alliance epics, never ran into a premade, but every one fell apart in the first few minutes. Gave up and switched to my Horde.

On my Horde, any time of day, we go in expecting to win. With our without landing in a premade, with or without winning the first fight. Last night on my Horde we won every match. I never landed in a premade, probably 50/50 on winning first fights. Mostly IoC and one Ashran.

I think on Alliance side players don’t have confidence in each other but on Horde side they do. Which is weird since everyone probably plays both sides.

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Earlier in the expansion, I think it was clear that the Alliance was the dominant PvP faction. They had longer queues. Horde had enlistment bonuses. In losing bgs, people would comment, “What happened to the Horde?”

Maybe something changed recently? Not sure.

I don’t know what’s going on right now. It’s the end of a patch so maybe some kind of anomaly. I mostly PvP on Horde and do achievements and transmogs on Alliance. Last week or so epics have been a toss up. I’ve seen some really amateur stuff on Horde side, which is very unusual. And in solo queues I’ve seen some very organized Alliance teams without a name I recognize. When I play Alliance I land in the same floundering teams so I don’t know who these mystery people are.

BAN big groups in non-ranked pvp content AND make Epics a ranked option.


Make it so everyone entering an instanced pvp content have the same ilvl.

People might be farming honor on alts in preparation for the new season.

I wouldn’t be surprised if premade communities were doing this.

Honor gets reset when new season starts.

Sadly nothing will get done. WOW will continue to hemorrhage players due to dev ignorance/unwillingness to do Anything about pvp.



Only allow groups to queue for randoms.

Want to solo queue? Try Solo Shuffle. It’s literally for solo players.


If it’s a solo-only queue, a lot of players are going to find out that they’re still bad.

If it’s a group-only queue, a lot of players are going to learn that they were only good because of the group they were in.

Let’s do a group-only queue. I’d love to bring some people down a peg.

I don’t think arenas are very popular among casual players.