can you join a bg in a raid group??
No point repeating the question, I’ve already answered it.
you’re making excuses for bringing a raid group into bg’s by avoiding the 5-man limit with sync queue
No one is bringing a raid group into bgs. The system decides where to place groups of players.
so you are only bring 5 people into a bg you’re not sync queing to get in more the 5?
Groups of up to 5 may click the button. Larger groups are unable to click the button.
Blizzard designed the system to sometimes place multiple groups into the same instance.
Sometimes it doesn’t.
It’s random.
so you are bringing a raid into content that does not allow raids? huh I think they have a word for that…
No. The system which Blizzard designed is deciding to place multiple groups into the same instance.
multiple random groups yes
Yes. Very random. Sometimes they know about each other.
so, if they know each other and also go out of your way to avoid if they don’t get in together, it’s not random anymore it’s in fact a raid group going around the 5-man system to get an unfair advantage… You know a word comes to mind for that…
I haven’t experienced any of this. More of your delusions?
It isn’t “in fact” anything. It’s a community of PvP players who have queued for games. They have communicated that they have clicked a button.
the biggest difference between premades and pugs in WG is how fast they get to the flag. you can tell which type of players are on your team by how many gliders you see at the start.
if the offensive team rides over bridge and around and 3 people glider over river you might as well find something else to do for the next 25 minutes
Yes, they win via numbers because they have many people coming in together that are going to follow raid warnings. All of the epic BG “strats” and things to avoid are already well known by experienced players. There is no brilliant strategizing going on here, you just have a mass of people who are going to follow “orders” where PUGs typically will not.
Epic BGs were originally designed and made for raid-size groups and the maps still reflect that where directing resources (people) to the right places is important.
There needs to a better way to force premades to fight other premades and a way to have PUGs fighting PUGs.
For epics, I’d even suggest them allowing raids to queue epic BGs but they get placed against other raids, and make it cross-faction to alleviate queue times because in the end “good strategy calls” aren’t necessary for a q-sync premade to beat a PUG, but would be for a premade to beat another premade.
Never said there was any brilliant strategizing on behalf of the premades.
Just that pugs argue about the strategy. Which means they often lose.
Which is why they shouldn’t be fighting q-sync’d premades in the first place. Because THAT is never going to change.
I don’t ever think they will tbh
I actually agree with you.
The only real issue I have is that the premade groups aren’t cheating. Despite what other posters may think.
As it stands, other than cross faction queues, I don’t think anything meaningful can be done. There is no longer the population in the game to support separate queues. If there was the population still, this wouldn’t be an issue.
And punishing the players who remain, who are using the tools that Blizzard have developed, is not the way forward.
I think the cheating argument is irrelevant. What is relevant is that what is going on is bad for the game and it doesn’t really matter if it is cheating or not.
It is definitely not being done in the spirit of good competition, however., and more traditional gamers are going to resent that. Just as they resent lowbie-campers and griefers.
I mean, going to Redridge Mountains and ganking lowbies isn’t cheating, either, I suppose.
Agreed. The lack of population is only going to get worse. The only solution I can offer to Blizzard, is to get rid of the mercenary system. Make cross faction queues a thing. Make it so that each 5 man group has the chance to be placed on either side of the map.
It would make queues faster. The system would be better able to balance roles. Map imbalance wouldn’t be as severe. Because you can be on either side.
But I hesitate when we come to punishing current players, or forcing them into their own special queues.