We went against this moonguard premade yesterday 2 games in a row (won both times EZ). Both times they had 2 groups in a 10man bg, twin peaks and WSG. I think it was a group of 5 and 3
Kinda sus, made me think think they were syncing.
We went against this moonguard premade yesterday 2 games in a row (won both times EZ). Both times they had 2 groups in a 10man bg, twin peaks and WSG. I think it was a group of 5 and 3
Kinda sus, made me think think they were syncing.
“kill glaives” -Inemia
“no! i don’t follow orders!” -Oozo
“why are we losing? you guys $&@!” -Oozo
Yeah, Inemia… I’m that guy who will suicide themselves into glaives to kill them without having to be ordered to do so.
yeah, well im gonna keep giving you orders and everyone else calls
Inemia thinks that they are a brilliant strategist because they can call out to “kill glaives” in raid chat. Meanwhile, people who have been playing the game forever just roll their eyes and think to themselves “WTF do they think I’ve already been doing?”
if i have to tell you, you weren’t doing it already.
The problem is. What you call good strat may not be good strat. The other strat caller might have updated information. Who knows. Pugs do this all the time. It’s the reason you have to keep telling people not to cap docks if they won’t keep it.
For instance, in WG, the main strat is everyone fights at SR. Another strat is everyone going to BT. But everyone has to go for the second strat to work properly. Everyone. It’s to starve the opponents of kills, so they can’t build vehicles. But people argue. They don’t agree with the strat call, good or bad, so they go do their own thing, giving kills to the enemy. And then they lose.
The premade groups have a defined leader, they follow that leader no matter what strat is used. They often have a reason for the strat they are calling. The players who are in those groups give their “self-respect” up for their leaders. Which means they win far more than pugs.
So you admit you have an unfair advantage by stacking your team… Interesting…
Who is stacking teams? Most of the players I’ve played with aren’t even in full purple gear.
I’m pointing out that it is an advantage over the bag of cats that pugs are.
excuses excuses lol
Delusions delusions. lol. See I can do it too.
what delusion please explain?
You are delusional to believe that these groups are doing something you cannot do. They are just following strategy, usually in chat. Most of them aren’t in discord. Most of them aren’t fully geared. All they are doing is following the strategy.
again with this “everyone can cheat so it’s ok if I do” argument XD sad
No one is cheating. Communicating isn’t cheating.
exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
Dude it’s an honor form and a legit piece of PvP content. BG’s arent just for people to get geared up. Stop crying about it.
They are clicking a button. And then telling people that they have clicked a button. That’s it. That’s communicating. In an MMO. Designed for groups of people to enjoy content together.
can you join a bg in a raid group?
No. No groups larger than 5 can click the button.