fight on a fair playing field
field of strife isn’t fair enough?
so they why is it ok for you to exploit… to get around that and bring a raid into a bg? it is exploiting because you are going around the intended 5 people group to bring a 40 man group lol
Okay show me a 40 man premade in one bg, This I have to see.
nobody is going to exploit to fight you in a ebg lol I’m talking about wargames or rated where large groups are supposed to fight
sounds like excuses
Again. There is no exploit. Groups of up to 5 can click a button. Those groups then tell other groups that they have clicked a button. That’s all that is happening.
Only because you want it to be.
LMAO. Sorry, I am not a zergling or a zergling commander.
too much ego to follow orders?
you are the only one that won’t fight on a fair playing field lol
I don’t follow orders in a game. So, too much self-respect to get used by other people in order for them to inflate their own egos. Something the sheep in the larger communities may some day learn on their own.
Said like an Alliance pug.
I never follow orders- I just make the best decision first.
I’ve played both with and against you. So can agree that you do.
Keep on sheeping it up. I’ll continue being a free–thinker that will follow a strategy if I think it is a good strategy, but I definitely won’t follow anything because I have been ordered to do so.
Are you secretly an Alliance pug? That’s how their eBG chat looks all the time.
Although, I should be fair, Horde pugs look like that too sometimes.
I’m sorry but I just cant stop giggling over this one. Do they keep a macro ready to go?
puts skull on Dot and tells him go ham
sometimes this happens when I solo queue, too, and I get really giddy
People call strats all of the time, including me. Good strats get followed, however there will always be those who ignore even good strategy calls, which is their right to do so because no player has any real authority over another player unless said player has totally relinquished all aspects of self-respect.
If someone calls a good strat, I will give credit where it is due. If someone ignores a good strategy call, then “oh, well.”
However, the key here is to beware the person who calls these “orders” because they are the ones with the ego problem.