where did I complain about losing? you are the one with the unfair advantage fight on a fair playing field bud I know for a fact you would get destroyed
They don’t have any tools that you don’t have. Most of them aren’t even in full purple gear. Why are you letting yourself be farmed?
nobody complains about the premades they defeat. in fact they tend to brag about it.
Yes, they have changed their tune drastically over the years. That is how you know when someone is driven only by self-interest and not by principles or things that go beyond themselves.
needed to call in reinforcements it looks like XD typical can’t ever do anything fairly
I’ve been reading. No need to get all paranoid.
ya as they should because the fact that you have a very large advantage and still manage to loss is extremely funny.
so, then you agree, you are only here complaining about the premades you lost to, not the ones you defeated. meaning you don’t care about premades, you are only crying because you lost.
nope lol we defiantly don’t agree and also you never showed where I demanded you cater to my solo experience. Still waiting on that
Every time you try to equate premades with cheating. Having them reported. Having them banned. That is you demanding to have the experience that you want.
nope that’s “demanding” yall don’t cheat lol
Except it isn’t cheating.
exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.
You can repeat that till you’re blue in the face. You’re incorrect. It is not cheating. They are communicating, via in-game provided means. Which Blizzard developed for the purpose of communicating across realms.
Q-syncing epic BGers are the only people on the face of the planet that would try to rate “who is better” based off the performance of a 30+ person team versus a single solo pugger.
They actually DO believe that having more numbers equates to being more skillful. Kind of reminds me of the dudes who plant flags of ownership on you when they 5v1 you down, but fold easily when caught in a 1v1.
You are exploiting by going around the allowed group size and by blizzards own words that is in fact cheating lol
No. Again. The system only allows groups of up to 5 players to click a button. The system then decides to place groups into the same instance.
No one in a raid group is able to click the button.
by all means feel free to bring your own team, we all know you won’t. talk is easy, action isn’t.
does the game allow for a raid to queue into bgs?
No. It does not.