Explain to me why blizzard removed the ability to form as a raid group for battlegrounds ?
Explain to me why blizzard removed the ability to form as a raid group for epic battlegrounds ?
I’ll wait.
Explain to me why blizzard removed the ability to form as a raid group for battlegrounds ?
Explain to me why blizzard removed the ability to form as a raid group for epic battlegrounds ?
I’ll wait.
Blizzard removed the ability to queue as a raid because Blizzard caved in to the soloists who couldn’t compete with players who want to PvP.
You need to change your response to:
Blizzard caved in to the soloists (which made up for the majority of pvp players) who couldn’t compete with players who want to group up to PvP for easy wins. -There you go, fixed it for you.
Now people like you, need to sync queue into BGs to get your fix. When you face other premades you claim that its fun but only in the one offs so every 10th BG(otherwise your community would be completely supportive of the idea of premade vs premade only).
Just accept who you are bro.
People like me, are not actually playing in the sync groups nearly as much as you would like me to.
I’m quite happy to play as a pug. I enjoy facing a premade as a pug as well.
Because I don’t just leave the moment a game might include PvP.
And because I understand they aren’t doing anything that a pug cannot do.
I have no idea how much you sync Q. Nor do I care.
You defend it on the forums. So I am lumping you in with the other guys that circumvent Blizzard’s intended Queuing system.
As heard from others on the forum of why they sync q, it can range from “I dont like losing qq” “community” and “eh”. I don’t care for the excuses… you’re just circumventing the rules.
No one is circumventing the rules.
Groups larger than 5 are unable to click the queue button. That’s the rule. The sync group communities are multiple groups of 5 players. Sometimes less. Sometimes they queue solo.
The system which Blizzard developed places multiple groups into the same instance. If they didn’t want it to do this. Then it wouldn’t.
If they were organizing a raid group, and then clicking the queue button, I’d be with you, but they are not. They are playing within the bounds of the system currently in place.
And these sorts of people vote… god damn.
George Carlin was the GOAT. May he RIP.
It’s good to hear people acknowledge that.
Now, if only people would realize since Blizzard disabled queuing as a raid, that means Blizzard doesn’t want premade raids in random bgs.
Well you would be surprised it happens a lot as almost all the premades generally run at the same time of day or night 8pm est to about midnight. I know SaS actively tries hard to match against the other alli premades.
well that’s cool as there is no premade raids in ebgs …phew problem solved huh. Finally your long crusade is done …how happy you must be.
I don’t doubt that SAS etc like facing other premades to see whose best premade in Epic BG but I doubt its what you describe as.
This is my opinion on 95% of your premade:
“Yeah I don’t mind facing other premades every now and then (as long as I win) for a challenge, but I mainly like stomping pugs”
I can’t speak for others. But, for me, it isn’t about who I’m stomping. It’s about who I’m stomping with.
Honestly, you should try it, before you knock it. It’s like night and day. When your team actually wants to win. Or will fight in mid at a choke point. Or play an eBG for 40 minutes, rather than wanting a 6 minute boss rush.
You can do raids and dungeons with your buddies. Or open world content…Ruining other players fun in bgs because you want an easy win or just because you “wanna play with friends” isnt justification.
Pugs do this to themselves. If you even try to point out how easy it is to get gear, they point out that you haven’t paid for their game. Like it’s a single player game.
It is. In an MMO. Massively Multiplayer. Not Single Player.
I’m assuming these premades are still using the addon that lets them know if the whole raid is in the same bg? If so, why don’t blizzard just break the addon and make it a permaban to circumvent it.
No addons required. That I’ve seen. Just follow /rw.
Nothing as like oQueue.
This is an ignorant sentiment. So noone is ever supposed to solo que or play alone ever? Yea right.
Oh I get it… so you should have no problem being put against other premades all the time…
After all by your own words its about who your with than who you’re stomping.
Wish they had not restricted groups and had just made the system match premades.
Now we have this half thought out mess of a system.