This is the way. With people who are friendly and fair-minded, especially the leaders, communities are great places to learn and enjoy the game even more.
where was there toxicity? calling you out on your lies isn’t toxic lol grow up kiddo.
READ the ToS.
YOU are of 18 years of age in your country to play this game.
IF you are under 18 then an ADULT must supervise… bring out the babysitters…
personally I’m tired of babysitting other peoples children
Well hmmmm I wonder where the toxicity is i can’t quite put my finger on it. Perhaps calling people liars and calling them a kid…is toxic. So everything after you asking “where is the toxicy ?” is toxic.
I have apparently offended someone on here. I have never had a post flagged before. To whomever I have offended I am truly sorry. This was not my desire.
My desire really comes from listening to the bashings of a group. I do not care what group it’s. Bashing any group I have a problem with. My second problem is with the constant victimization of pugs or solos. The idea that all solos or pugs are under greared, incompetent and unable to play ruffles my feathers. We do not need saving. New people… that’s different and as stated in a few post MOST people are more than happy to help and take them under there wing.
I don’t care if your solo, premade, rated, or glad. Supporting all forms of pvp and pvp communities looks a lot better than the constant bashing of individual groups. That is more likely to scare off new people then them having to go through the same system of gearing and learning like EVERY OTHER SYSTEM in WoW.
Oh is that why they premade? To all but guarantee a victory lul all you have to do is win without one
Isn’t that the current excuse for premade raids?
“We need to premade raid because of all these incompetent pugs who don’t know how to PvP! PvP is so much better when you play with competent, like-minded premade raiders!”
Who’s “we”? Pugs? Pugs who leave bgs because they’re tired of getting roflstomped by premade raids? Pugs who join in-progress, losing bgs because of premade raids?
If people are looking for premade raid PvP, there are official game modes supporting that. Premade raiders choose not to use them.
I assure you there is absolutely no way you can not offend someone in forums. Truth often is the biggest thing people are offended by. I like how you do not take everything you hear for fact. You actually go out and do the research yourself in a neutral way allowing yourself to gather unbiased information it seems.
“Eventually these premades will have no solo players to destroy because we all will get fed up and stop doing bgs. Its a self destructing system.”
That said, this will never happen, and there will always be no matter how bad it gets the next generation of suckers…
I play only horde pvp now as a mercenary, I am here to help the horde win as many games as I can get them to win. I’ll play 50 and when 45 games if you let me help you.
I have played on Premade’s in my time and my perspective is this, I can get any horde pug that wants to win, to win against any ally premade because most of them on the alliance side are not these so called premade BG’s.
80% of the games I hear, or see typed, they are a premade I shrill in laughter at. A premade in lets select wintergrasp, takes 8 minutes to win if you are on Offense, A premade knows exactly what to do and no one needs to say anything. We know which wall to hit and how to hit over it and the game is over.
NO, they are not a premade trust me… I have turned the horde game around in a few minutes and got us a win as well in there on O when we missed SR. That is easy to get around Alliance is stupid and love to fight in the road. We take advantage of that.
There will always be this, its a premade…
It’s not the same way as it was back in the early years of pvp when you wanted to put a lets all queue together in groups of 5 to all get into one from a vent server communication area off game. <—I am not explaining it, you either know what I am talking about or you don’t.
Today, a 5 man queue with leader can broadcast to the screen and say we are “Black Ink” we are a premade, we are going to do wintergrasp in 8 minutes here we go, listen to directions and we will win.
That’s called spoon feeding uneducated players that will not remember how to do anything we just did the next game.
Premade’s are rare…
They should give us a box to check to not join bgs already in progress. Would kill the syncing when all they can do is fight the 5 people (me included i dont afk losses) left in the match laughing at them.
Thanks, I really try to keep an open mind on everything and when it comes down to it do the research and gather the evidence for myself. I don’t like being a sheep just parroting everyone else’s stance.
Gonna keep it short and sweet. Bottom line Premade sync groups do not make any difference in my personal pvp experience from either faction. They are however in both factions witch means a normal player will likely at some point que with and against. This can be frustrating and educational. It is a horrible 10 minutes when you get stomped. But it can be educational to be part of a well oiled machined as a new person too. I think the hype of running into them all the time is just that hype.
For me, I am going back to just quietly reading. My opinion is just that. Anyway it was fun learning and meeting you Btag LadyKazaria#1891 add me if you want.
I sent you a friend request… absolutely I would love to stay in touch.
And said communities should face one another. and solo community should be placed randomly in groups that face each other. Premade against a pug is just pure unfairness, regardless of ilvl. the solution is easy. premades face only premades.
Keep doing the same thing over and over, not enjoying the experience, and yet change no behavior on your end? Expect all change to come from elsewhere?
If you aren’t enjoying yourself playing solo, try playing as a group. Put a little effort into your own experience.
I’m someone who likes doing premade epic BGs. I play with SAS. If I’m being honest: yes a big part of it is because I have a short temper and really don’t take losing in PvP well, which is also why I stay away from rated. But another big part of it is there’s a strong community aspect that’s otherwise hard to replicate, and it is fun to take part in coordinated large-scale PvP which doesn’t really exist outside of epic BGs.
My favourite matches are actually the hard-fought wins against other communities rather than the total PuG stomps.
Thanks for being honest and that its because you don’t like losing in Pvp and can’t take it well.
I am betting that the community vs community Epics are fun. But I also bet and understand that those are few and far between and if you were to face only other communities every time you signed up and exploited your queues (which it is) you would not enjoy it anywhere near as much. You can’t get those guaranteed wins your after.
Einstein’s classic definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
it’s too bad he didn’t play WoW
Just add in the text “This epic bg is currently in progress would you like to still join the que” and itll sorda fix the issue. Make random bgs cross faction and random and it will fix the issue even further. Either way ill spend my time trolling the people i see in this thread in game on my rogue. Enjoy the constant triple saps folks. Gotta earn my name somehow
scientists do in fact check for a different result. and funny enough, we don’t have a hard definition of insanity, just something along the lines of “your beliefs and actions are too weird for society.”
This is player vs player not some Pokémon puff pillow, let’s all sit around and sing folk songs, and during apple cider.
People this is PvP war mode, you ever watch the game trailers the horde are stabbing every alliance player they can get their hands on. The alliance is talking about pulling tusks out of trolls torchoribg them.
This is about eradicating each side and nothing more.
A whole game of wimps kids who want a bottle of milk.