Premade = AFK

Premades are no better than the players that make them up. Having voice isn’t that important when all the players know what to do. It helps, but unless you are versus another good premade, it is not useful at all - if anything it is often detrimental vs pugs since you are chatting and having fun.

The thing is that when there are pvp sytems without MMR people often overestimate their own skill and struggle to understand how wide the skill-range is. Even systems that give you ranking (like Dota2 rankings) players in lower ranking often assume they are low rankings because their teams are bad.

Let’s use dota 2 rankings for examples since dota is originally from the warcraft universe.
Here is a ranking table:

  • Herald ranks: - 0-769 MMR.
  • Guardian ranks: - 770-1539 MMR.
  • Crusader ranks: - 1540-2309 MMR.
  • Archon ranks: - 2310-3079 MMR.
  • Legend ranks: - 3080-3849 MMR.
  • Ancient ranks: - 3850-4619 MMR.
  • Divine ranks: - 4620-5420+ MMR.
  • Immortal ranks: ∽6000+ MMR.

The average premade you see these days in WSG are made up of players that would be (wow equivalent) herald to legend, with maybe a few ancient / divine players but mostly they are they lower ranks. They are almost always out of position, trying to farm enemies at GY or doing silly stuff, slow to react to enemies picking, focusing HKs instead of winning game, etc.

If you have a full pug group with a few gamers (ancient / divine / immortal rank) it is very easy to troll and defeat these sorts of premade - regardless of whether they are in voice or not.

The issue isn’t about premades having a huge skill advantage (most pugs are also in herald - legend range) it is simply because they pugs give up when they see the premade. Voice doesn’t magically make these players amazingly better, the impact is negligible.

There is so much room for improvement across the board. Most premades don’t have the massive advantage that pugs assume they do.

TLDR: The gap between good / bad premades is insane and would take years for most premades to close (if ever). However, the gap between pugs / bad premades is actually pretty small and with a bit of effort and open mind most pugs and can step up and start to challenge these LFG-premades.

People just need to stay ghosts for every pre-made. Protest this nonsense until we get a solo queue. It’s pretty obvious they’re going to uncap ashenvale rep anyway, so the premades aren’t going to really be granted any advantage in the end. Everyone will get exalted if they want it by the time phase two hits.


But the overall experience for a solo queuer is the premades. At the end of the day it’s mostly better to go into a premade than solo. Especially on alliance (2019 classic anyway).

Yeah, I agree players will generally learn a lot more when running with a premade than solo.

(Unless you want to practice FCing, then it is often better to do it solo)

But it takes like 250-500 WSG games to start ‘getting good’ and probably 1000+ to really start to master it, most players that are complaining haven’t met that baseline but assume they have little else to learn.


Don’t commit to group play if you’re not going to participate.

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This is an oxymoron. Players can be bad, sure. But bad players can still cast a heal. 90% of my PUG games have 1 or NO healers. More games without a healer than not. Are the rogues and warriors supposed to battle-bandage me? What you’re saying is basically “Just tell the kids in Africa to imagine they’re drinking water” so they don’t die of thirst. Are there bad premades? Of course. Can you beat them? Yeah. However, most of the time as a PUG you will not.

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Once in Vanilla, my entire guild queued for a AV after finished clearing MC early, good times :blush:

Keep AFKing vs the premades.

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Not much. I was able to make it to top 100 on evoker without even really pushing

Even if you do win a few, going 4 for 15 instead of 2 for 15 doesn’t really feel any better, especially when those 2 extra wins are super sweaty.

But for real this is the same person who said she/he won “most of their pugs.” They’re not trying to have a good faith discussion.

I’ve played thousands of level 19 and 29 twink wsg games over my lifetime. The number of assumptions that you are reporting in this thread as if they were fact is just mind blowing. Like going so far as to assume that you know with any sort of confidence whatsoever what rank most people queueing as a 10 made premade on a seasonal classic server on a 20 year old game would fall into on another modern action RTS?

Just wow.

I love solo queuing against premades. Makes it more challenging.
And if it is a loss, I’d rather lose making it difficult for them to get their marks/rep/honor.

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They are a group of random players who formed a stacked group of classes who excel in WSG. For example you as a pally kinda suck in WSG, so you’d start a premade by inviting like 3 priests, 1 FC, one rogue, a Warlock (for straight up live lording in the frontline) and like 3 or 4 Hunters. It’s not about it being random people, it’s about the classes being much stronger in WSG settings.

Edit: Actually you’d replace the Warlock and a Hunter for like 2 Boomies.

Paladin does not and never has sucked in WSG

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Pally is decent in frontlines, but not the best compared to the classes I just listed. Having more than 1 pally isn’t a good comp.

BoF is one of the best tools in all of WoW for WSG.

same here, they have had plenty of complaints from the vast majority of people for not only this
but hunters pets
priests being only viable healers

the only thing you see in BGs consistently is hunters and priests and Blizz can’t seem to make adjustments the right way… it like they pretend is math thats beyond them they cant figure out… fix it or im out.

Sorry, this is a fact. A good duo, for example a FC and hunter can be an absolute nightmare for an opposing pug premade.


One BoF is enough, like I said sacrificing the damage of the Hunters or Boomies isn’t worth more than 1 BoF

The min maxing at level 25 is hilarious.

Most people that play this game are really bad at it.

Most premades will face PuGs composed of undergeared, random dads.

Your premade could be 10 Paladins and it would absolutely smack