Premade = AFK

You’ll be out of the rest of WoW when you catch a timeout, too.

They’re a troll for trying to suggest that a pug is on the same level playing field as a premade. And you’re a troll too if that’s what you’re trying to suggest. You know that’s not true. Don’t be dishonest.

So anyone you disagree with on some level is a troll. Thanks for letting me know who you are right away so I can report you and move on.


Ya I’m reporting you, troll. No point in engaging further with your troll behavior.

100%. It’s too bad the leaderboard defaults to killing blows. All that does is motivate people to run around mid stealing as many kills as possible from dotted enemies, etc.

As contradictory as these two statements are, one of them holds true far more often than the other. Quick hint: it is the latter.

PuGs beating premades can be done, and it is extremely satisfying, but when your team just got wiped out in the first 30 seconds by a premade, the writing is on the wall.

You should always give it a second go, but after that, it is best to cut your losses and move on to the next game. This is not “bad play” or “bad sportsmanship” or a case of “learn to play” or “git gud”.

It is just recognising a clear losing proposition. It is pretty easy to spot a premade that is going to stomp and a premade that’s a bunch of randoms that have worked out a little coordination beforehand.

Fighting one is a tedious waste of time. Fighting the other can be one of the more satisfying PvP adventures.

The real skill is identifying which one you face.

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Well if you skipped the teamfight to go pick, it was 9v9 or 9v10 - depending on whether the premade sent an FC to pick as well.

That means you can pick without being contested (I haven’t seen many premades play D from the start in SoD).

Now you have the flag, your team is full hp in GY, their team has flag in your base, and their team is 80% resource outside your tunnel.

The prospects aren’t terrible if the pugs would just clash again full power. However most will have already given up by that point.

this premade crap makes me want unsub


I am losing vs a premade right now.

If I am not playing, so arent they.

I think the best move right now is for pugs to just stay ghosts. Protest this nonsense until a solo queue is made or premades are only matched with other premades behind the scenes.

It’s the only way we can protest this, we need to AFK and not participate.

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Nope, it’s not.

The initial mid figut is not as important as you think at all.

I just qd all morning with 2 people and beat 7 premades because most of them have no idea wtf they’re doing

I mean there is a difference between “Learning to play” and having the other side all in discord. I’ve seen this dumb argument since 2006 lol.

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[quote=“Lazmanx-whitemane, post:152, topic:1744138, full:true”]

The number of people who leave or give up after the initial fight is absurd. I agree it’s not nearly as indicative of a win as people think.

Premades are a problem though and I think it’s detrimental to getting more people involved in PvP and for them to get better at it. The more people playing the better.

I don’t know how blizzard is going to solve this, though I wonder if they even care to. Making queue times worse for any group of players isn’t a good solution. Nor is blocking people from grouping for BGs.

There is a difference, but the majority of premades are also still in the ‘learning to play’ category - regardless of whether they are in voice or not, they are constantly out of position.

Being in position and playing your role doesn’t require voice. But it does require deep knowledge of WSG and vanilla pvp.

This still means premades have a massive advantage.

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Nah, 10 good gamers that solo queue and randomly end up together will wreck most premades these days. Even 2-4 good gamers is usually enough to win the game versus these pug-premades.

The problem is the majority of pugs are completely unaware of WSG strategy and just give up right away. Many premades are just as lost but as least they don’t give up and all 10 of their players are playing with some goal of winning.

Yeah no. Premades have a massive advantage. That just isn’t reality.


Ok now I know you’re trolling. If you’re just trying to show blizzard the hypocrisy of it all by being facetious you’re achieving that goal.


I think people who have never ranked or never been in a real premade doesn’t understand what’s going on in there.

You afking is exactly what they want. They just want their winning honor and their marks and move on asap to the next match. Getting the rank for pvp gear, and then getting rep.

Pugs getting steamrolled 9/10 of the games does very little to most solo queue’ers want to try to win. Getting 10 “good” solo queue’ers into a game is rare. You trolling.

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