Premade = AFK

Make it boring for them too, if you have to endure this waste of time make their time wasted to.

Make it as boring as possible, don’t resist, don’t go down and if you die don’t resurrect.

Spam /chicken whenever you can for this coward premades but the most important thing is: MAKE IT BORING FOR THEM.

This is all I will do until my sub time runs out, when it runs out I’m out of SOD.


the fast wins are nice, thanks you


Learning to pvp and play WSG isn’t for everyone.

While it is very easy to pickup the skill cap can get decently high - and many fail to get beyond blindly zugging mid.

Best of luck in your journeys :slight_smile:


I disagree with the OP, but your point about learning to pvp is stupid.
You cant beat the average premade with a pick up team.


You can easily, ask your team to catch the efc + throw you a few heals while you cross mid, and FC.

Will win versus a good chunk of lfg premades.

If you think you can win WSG with randoms without communication (i.e. typing) then yes, you will lose most games.


What color is the sky in your world.
half the team is undergeared 1 or 2 is afk hiding or walking around in stealth…

Do you even play this game?


Yeah and I win most the wsg i solo queue into.

Before it starts I make sure we have a designated FC or else I offer to do it (and I have stacks of swiftness pots that I bought on AH because they are dirt cheap - can get like 10+ pots per quest done at level).
I have a WA to help me spam callout where the EFC is.
And I will call people out who are just blindly zugging mid instead of playing the game.

That’s about all that’s needed to herd some pugs into playing good enough to win.

But most the people crying on forums have never played with a premade, don’t actually understand how WSG works, what are the roles of each class, etc…


People just need to get together and stop playing when a pre-made comes up. Just stay a ghost. Protest this nonsense till Blizzard finally gives a solo queue. We’ve been dealing with this since vanilla. It needed to be a thing back then. So no more.

People need to start protesting this and stay a ghost.


You do realize that most premades are just groups of random people right? They can easily be defeated with just a couple gamers.

What does going afk in graveyard do beyond showing one’s inability to pvp in a team environment? the premade will just get their 9min win and go next, I would posit most don’t need honor lol they are doing for fun and rep.


Exactly, I will do it untill my sub runs out, then I will just quit and only going to come back if they fix this.

F, retail is in a much better state than this travesty.


Absolutely not most. Most make groups based on the best classes and gear check. That’s fine if that’s what you like doing. But that needs to be its own league.

Most people enjoy the challenge of trying to make a random group of people work together for a win. This play style is extremely popular and needs to be given its own queue. It’s also much more challenging – so if there is a divided league with divided rewards, the solo pug queue needs to offer higher reward.


Should go back to retail instead of ruining a bunch of games in SoD lol

People that afk and make no effort are literally the ONLY reason that pugs are losing versus most of the premades (the like 1% of really good premades would win regardless but they are very very rare).


Not to mention that if people go AFK in the graveyard to try to “protest” against being able to queue in a group, if the opposing team did want honor, couldn’t they just farm the graveyard for a few minutes until the HKs stop giving honor, then proceed to grab the flag a couple times? It’ll take an extra 2-4 minutes, but AFKing in the graveyard could still give honor and HKs if players were so inclined to kill those AFK in the GY.

Just to stay a ghost and get out of the range of the Spirit healer. Problem solved.

Pug solo queue now.


Glad players like you are already leaving, nothing more annoying then people that give up against tradechat wheelchair mades that can be easily defeated by pugs. Learn to play before blaming the game. I have won 100s of games already against premades since SoD came out, majority of them is just as clueless as you are. Instead of blaming the game maybe think about what you can do better, learn the jumps do better call outs always move with purpose and take fights for a reason instead of fighting mid for none. It’s great to hear that people like you are already quitting the game though good luck on your next venture.


lol bgs are soooo boring right now its pathetic. 20 years later on like 5 different iterations of this game you guys still screw this up and dont allow solo queuers to play together.

Big shame.



You realize that pug v pug just ends up being a couple gamers on each team that carries the rest. It isn’t exactly fun yelling at people who refuse to learn how to play.

I mostly queue solo because I enjoy doing a game or two then doing other stuff and win most games, the issue isn’t premades - it is players giving up and not making an effort to carry their team.

Remove premades and the same people will be crying about jumps or not being able to kill FCs, or wanting a timer added to the game.

They are just bad at wsg and need to get better - removing premades does not fix personal skill issues.


Just have alts. AFK out of any game that looks too be a waste of your time and queu your alt, whoever gets stuck backfilling can deal with it.

And yes I realize that’s actually making the problem (and game) worse, but that’s blizzard’s problem when people will quit because the product sucks.


The litmus test as if you go out from the start and clash in the middle. If you wipe and don’t even get one kill, then there’s no point in playing. There’s no carrying that’s going to happen. It’s time to go next. And those who don’t recognize this and prolong the game are only just annoying people.

But the solution to this nonsense is to just make a solo pug queue.


Sa all your posts are absolutely correct. Nothing loses games like people giving up, because they see a wheelchairtradechatmade. These bad players asking for separate que while they que cluelessly once a week and spend the game figting mid with zero awarness, dont realize that separate que would hurt the que times especially down the road when they all quit. There is already a system in place that prioritize 10mans vs 10mans premades and if you in a pug and end up going against one of these premades they are usually very easy to break. There is maybe 1-2 good premades in the world and they usually que into another premade. The only problem I see currently in WSG is the world buff giving 20% movement speed which is pretty broken, but everyone can get it I guess.

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