Premade = AFK

I’m just telling you this is how people are currently forming premades for WSG, they stack the classes that do the best. I hate premades, I refuse to do them. But these sweat lords have figured out a way to take the fun out of random wsg queue.

It is because most of the people forming premades are toxic and don’t really know anything about the game lol


Unless someone just made a premade against you with 10 mages. Pretty easy win on the mages.

Then that 10 mage team runs into 10 druids


It’s toxic, but effective. Not to mention a lot of premades on my server now I’m seeing are requiring voice. But actually if I think about it, the most stacked class you can bring to a premade is just a ton of priests.

The more priests you have in a premade the better because of how insane they can live and survive compared to anyone else. Priest healing is busted beyond belief.

I’ve beaten most premades I come across, but when I come across a premade of 3+ priests in it there is absolutely zero shot I win.

Going afk or not rezzing is against the TOS and if you keep doing it you absolutely will catch a ban.

If you see people doing it you should report them.

There is no difference between doing it and RMT.


This is completely false, if team is purposely not ending the WSG to farm HKs you’re more than in your right to not rez. That’s such an absurd statement. Afk yes that is a problem, but purposely not rezzing is not.

There is currently no time limit in WSG, a team could infinitely keep you inside the WSG unless you prevent them by not rezzing. Your statement is laughable.

I’m with you on this. Premading is kind of cringe to me. Not gonna lie. Queuing with a few friends is cool and accepted. But, I can’t help but laugh when I see in trade chat people spamming things like - Disc is a must, consumes a must, gear score must be xxx. lol.
My guy we are level 25. Calm down lol.

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I will keep doing it till my sub runs out, not going to pay for this abuse.

See ya bozzo, you won’t be missed.

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Dude absolutely, I’m completely fine with a group of like 4-5 friends queing into WSG. But these sweat lord 10man premades are boring and sickening. Not sure how people can actually have fun doing that.

I feel like when a premade refuses to cap the 3rd flag so they can farm the GY for kills is also pretty disruptive and undermines the game experience of the pug they’re facing. But people against solo que seem to love doing that. Its always funny to me when you have people who think its perfectly okay to completely ruin other peoples gaming experience, but when it comes to their own version of fun being disrupted when a pug group decides they no longer want to be your HK farm then you throw a hissy fit about reporting them and getting them suspended.

On that note you know theres a report option for “feeding” as well right? So if people decide to rez at the GY and continue feeding the premade they can be reported for doing that.

The delusional premade Andy’s in here are just trash players praying blizzard doesn’t remove their pug stomp.

Good players want premade vs premade and pug v pug. Only trash cans want the game to remain as is so they can feel good about being bad.


Yep. I hear ya. Sweaty premades are the worst.

The best is when they are fighting a pug and they spam stuff with /y and they think hermes is working and we can understand what they are saying. Or when they spam drop the flag before capping. Cause 10 geared coordinated players vs a pug. Amazing. I dunno how they don’t get high fived to death when they leave their house with how awesome they are. lol


Because they’re bad at actual pvp. If premade vs premade was put into the game they’d stop queing because they’d no longer be able to pug stomp. Just look at Sastra’s posts to see that.

Well yea thats because Premade vs Premade would stop becoming easy wins for them and would actually make it difficult for them to earn honor. Most people who would queue premade vs premade would do it for actual FUN then as a competitive thing instead of the sweaty honor farm it is now.

Yeah the emote spam gets old pretty quick too. Just another reason to stop rezzing at the GY. I’m not paying a monthly sub to be their HK grind or their entertainment punching bag.

better use of time is bumping every thread about bg’s until they actually fix it.

priests and hunters, both of which people have been screaming to high heaven need a huge nerf.

Which is appealing to everyone except the people who like to pug stomp. They claim to report people who stop rezzing at the GY for non-participation but I’d be willing to bet everytime they que into another premade and start getting stomped they do the exact same thing. Only difference is they also probably start raging at each other in comms.

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