Premade = AFK

WSG wasn’t meant to be a cheese on farm at the expense of people who prefer to solo Q. If I wanted to win I’d just join a super sweat premade as an overpowered lock. But that’d suck all the fun out of WSG. And if you think that the game wasn’t mean to be fun, then you’re definitely the issue.

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Nearly every game I have done on SoD has been solo queue. And they have mostly been wins and easy games…

And almost every game I’ve had to organize the players and carry the flag - if one makes an effort there isn’t much a problem.

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Can I have your stuff??

when you see a premade just type “/afk” - its faster than getting farmed

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You’re either being dishonest or just insanely lucky to never get matched against above-average premades. Are you the best player or something, where you single handedly prove the entire playerbase wrong in their disgruntlement with the broken WSG system? Or do you just think that everyone is wrong and you’re the only one who’s right?

for any disagreements we have had in the past, we are in agreement here


I’ve lost most games versus premades, but def won majority overall. I’ve been playing WSG in era for a long time. I am pretty comfortable in there. In all the games I was matched versus one very good premade, and that was while I was running with a premade, and as I mentioned earlier - we got stomped.

If you look at who is complaining and liking the posts complaining it is mostly retail toons - it may be that era pvp takes an adjustment of mindset.

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What are you talking about? Almost everyone that is complaining have classic toons, not that it matters in the first place. As a subscription-based game company, what do you think is more important: that the game design keeps people entertained and having fun, or that it appeals to your unique sense of what a battleground should be, regardless of how off-putting it is to every other player?

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I stated multiple times I don’t care if they make solo queue. I only care if people give up or play badly. They should /afk instead.

But I strongly believe that making a solo queue would not solve the issue that most players who complain about premades are facing. It will lead to a new issue, such as fix jumps, nerf druids (in higher levels), etc. There will always be a new excuse.

The only real fix would be to add MMR so players are matched by skill, until then pugs will always get run over if they aren’t willing to improve their game.

Didn’t read all the comments but the issue is mostly about team comp. No amount of individual skill can offset priest stacks and as a solo player you have no input over your team composition (often 0 healers).

Right now it’s almost impossible to win a game as a solo players. Adding a solo queue would shift it back to 50% for the average player.

Those who are against solo queue are just pubstompers.

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But that logic is essentially “new problems will eventually pop up so let’s not even bother fixing anything at all.” These problems that you bring up are almost nonexistent in this phase. This phase is over a month long, and we shouldn’t have to wait that long and hope that the next phase is better. Pug vs pugs are much more balanced and people have way more fun, evident by the fact that people will stick around for even 1 hour games.

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I give up, you are right.

Premades are impossible to defeat as pugs and all pug players are already god tier with nothing left to learn and should not make an effort to improve their gameplay.

We should just sit ghost everytime we run into a premade until they put solo queue into the game, and then the games will be amazing and our skills will truly shine.

Can. I. Have. Your. Stuff??!?

You’re obviously a troll. In fact, reported for trolling.

People should not have to be god-level tacticians to be able to win a solo Q WSG. Because that’s literally what would be required to win against most of these premades with worldbuffs, 2-3 priests, voice comms, etc. Don’t you see that most people just want to have fun on a more equal playing field in solo Q.


Makes you wonder why people make teams in trade chat doesn’t it?

When I’m solo q and it’s a pug v pug half the team goes brain dead if they lose the very first mid fight.

It’s a common theme

You’re not going anywhere, otherwise you wouldn’t be playing until your sub time runs out.

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If they get rid of the HK or damage done board at the end, maybe the brain deads will act less so. I’ve heard a random say once, “yeah but if I’m doing the most damage I’m helping my team win.”.

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If you solo Q when you should have pizza’d, you’re gonna have a bad time.

They’re a troll for providing basic wsg suggestions and pointing out you’re going to lose without any communication?

I mean I lose a lot of my solo q pugs, but its because nobody plays flags or communicates. I’ll also see people complain that the other side is a premade just because three people from 3 different guilds are from the same server.

These same solo q players would still lose if they were in premades simply because they don’t play flags or talk. Yeah a vc is an advantage, gear is an advantage and in some cases there are unstoppable BS teams but for the most part losses are earned through laziness and incompetence, my own included.