Premade = AFK

Can I have your stuff?

Man you need to learn to read. I dont mind going against premade, but lets say you make a solo que who is gonna fill my 3man to go against the 10man premade, again i dont mind going against premades I prefer it overall games are more fun and its fun to see them fall into shambles.

So you’re saying I can que into solo que as 3man? Like please think before posting…just think. How is that a solo q?

Or you’re saying I have to sait for a 7man premade to fill my 3man premade to go against 10man premade? Because that que time would never pop.

Just keep the things the way they are there is already system in place that prioritizes premades vs premades. And the ques are good now with one BG, but with popularity going down and more BGs being added we will be glad that games will pop at all. Again I love going against premades, but I still need solo players to fill my games when I play solo or with just a couple friends.

The solution here is the same solution to twinks turning off XP in future expansions: match them against each other. In the same way twinks got matched against each other, match premade WSG groups (3+ players per group or something) against other premades. How hard is it to implement this balance?


If you think this does anything other than enhance their enjoyment, you really have no idea how the modern troll thinks.

I think the premade queue can be completely open. It’s just the only queue where you CAN make a premade. You can still even solo queue it. The 9 man parties would probably appreciate it.

But let’s be honest. The premade queue will be a ghost town. They only get made to steamroll pugs. Which is why it’s a bad design as of now.

That system is already in place, but if it doesn’t find another premade of the same size in certain time frame it will match against a team thats available for the sake of not sitting in que all day long.

theres a group in my guild right now thats 29-0 so far tonight.

i can guarantee you no amount of fence hopping or groups of 2-3 nerds could have even remotely changed the outcome of any of those games .


to be fair, for many people, WSG is about gaining rep so you can buy the PvP items you want for your toon in PvE

Most dont want to PvP, learn the strats or even PvP - thats why AV is fun for so many or Battle for Ashenvale. No PvP required but the problem is its way too slow

I HATE WSG and have since it was added to the game. I could tolerate AB but love AV. If I could reliably make progress in BfA I would never touch WSG (and I havent) but I know many others are not as patient as I am. Blizz should keep PvE rewards in PvE & PvP rewards in PvP

The only thing broken with WSG currently is the world buff 20% movement speed, they should change that if anything. I bet you premade group would be in shambles against our 3man or at least spend over an hour on the game. If not good for them they are gamers, but 99% of premades are a complete pushover there is just not very good amount of pvp players in classic, so you end up with tradechat premades that dont know the basics and are easy to pull apart.

It will be a ghost town because most premades are not premades, they are random people from LFG.

You would be fighting the same people in a solo queue system.

Which is why going afk as this thread suggest is a terrible idea.

Get better and you will win more

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Great! So no reason for you to stand against it if there’s no difference.

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I stand against longer queue times. But overall I don’t care much either way, I just don’t think it would not solve the issue for people that currently struggle versus premades, it may actually make the problem worse for lower skilled players unless they also implement a sort of MMR system.

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Random people from LFG with carefully chosen comps and higher-than-average geared people. You can try all you want to hard carry a pug team, but statistically you’ll have more afks, severely undergeared people, and casual players. Sure you might win a few times if the premades are awful, but stop trying to deny that premades generally always stomp on pug solo Q groups, or that it’s a HUGE problem that’s turning people away from any WSG at all.

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I disagree with this part, people that are being turned away because they lose to bad premades would also be turned away because neither team can end the game (so they will beg for a timer and destroy any competitive aspect of WSG), or a gamer is holding them hostage and they can’t kill them, or they realize that they are still not winning in solo queue because of x,y,z.

The solution in WSG is always to try harder or afk out.

Since I started playing in last hour ish - I’m 4 win 0 loses solo queue, the games are currently super easy for anyone that wants to make an effort

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When people in two pug groups get in a stalemate, an overwhelmingly surprising amount of people will stay even to the one hour mark, because at least that’s competitive and fun. Can you guarantee in a pug group against a premade that your group will have op healers like priests, or high survivability and mobility FCs like druids? Or what about MUCH higher rates of coordination between all raid members, given that they’ll be kicked if they suck. You’re being a contrarian. People all over this thread have already stated that the reason they’re tired of WSG is because of premade dominance in WSG, and you’re openly ignoring that. It’s the same as saying that pug raids can do much better than guild-run ones, and that they just simply have to “try harder”

Premades are dominating because people are giving up. The premades are not good. Just lost to one because half our team did the suggested ‘afk’ strat as in this thread.

The positioning of premade was terrible and it would easily been a competitive game.

People are losing because their mentality is weak.

More context: our comp was pretty good, everyone was 25, the gear was decent - the only issue was as soon as they saw a premade they just put their tail between their legs and all ran around like headless chickens. Whereas when they see a pug they actually focus and try.

It is a 10 person game, you are much less likely to win when 1-2 people afk from start, then another 1or2 sit at GY after first death. Pugs are doing this to themselves.

But I still almost cross the flag and if the team had been a tiny bit more focused we could have roofed the premade and started up a decent game.

OP is right.

Just afk. Both teams get what they want faster. Trying to delay the game you’ll just get killed over and over or drag it out.

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No people are losing premades but premades have ideal comps, better coordination, better gear, sometimes BFD boon, etc. Listen to what people are saying in this thread and other threads. Maybe everyone else isn’t the problem. Maybe it’s you. Pug groups will never have an edge over pre-organized groups, whether it be in raids, in BGs, in world pvp, so no, your singular and personal experience doesn’t represent the collective experience that so many people have been sharing here. You must have never gotten matched against premades with world buffs, on discord. There’s a reason they go like 20-0, even since day 1.


depends, living flame, chaos bolt and lone wofl premades i can often play against.
Crusader strike ones are more sweaty.

It also depends how geared they are vs your team.

I am saying there is no problem. WSG isn’t meant to be easy, focus up if you want to win.