Premade = AFK

Idk most the serious pvp players left retail by like 2010 for dota or leagues… who know’s what top in the world in retail even means.

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First of all this is my Classic character and he is level 80. It’s not my fault the forums are bugged and glitched when I Race changed but if you played WoW you would notice I’m wearing level 80 gear in my picture.

So instead of your failed attempt to make this personal. Why not discuss the topic? Oh wait there isn’t anything to discuss because you haven’t made any good points in this discussion. Solo Que is where it’s at. You want WoW PvP to be popular? Solo Que.

PvP will never be good in this game until Solo Que is added for the majority. PvP in WoW can be so much more.

Didn’t say that did I. Reading is your friend. With that said. I’ve proved my points where you haven’t. Good day. Good luck. Keep trolling or don’t.


You are such a troll just baiting responses.

So because you struggle in the game you want to increase que times for everyone and prevent people to que with only 1-2friends? You are not the brightest, I already explained to you the issues 6+ times I am over it some people like you are too stuborn and think that the more they post the more right they are.

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. -Charles Bukowski

In the same way that penguins have the “potential” to fly through the air because they have wings, right?

Premades, even by your own admission just now, are why solo queue players are losing. Premades generally have players who are more experienced, focused, knowledgeable, willing to communicate, and also almost always require some type of competitive team composition. Having them be able to face off against solo queuers is just bad design overall. The only people who are enjoying it are the people in those premades who like stomping newbies. I imagine that a lot of premade teams don’t even want to go against other premade teams and that’s why they’re so against the idea of adding solo queues / Premade vs premade pvp.

“The Sunday afternoon PUG baseball team keeps losing to the professional MLA team we brought in!”
“Hm… maybe we should have two professional teams face each other instead and then have two PUG teams face each other as well? Seems like it’d be better overall.”
“No, it’s the PUG baseball team’s fault.”


Because most premades are basically pugs - if the pugs would focus up a tiny bit they could challenge them. That’s the entire point.

Only like every 100 or so games will you actually run into a really good premade.

I am solo queue running flags and winning while I post in this thread…

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Really, list something I did to troll? Just cause you can’t make any relevant points in this thread and are frustrated. Doesn’t mean I’m trolling.

I’m not and this is you discussing a person instead of the topic. Which is a sign you can’t discuss the topic in a mature way.

I would drastically reduce Que times. They would be popping instantly because there would be exponentially more PvP players returning to play Solo Que and enjoying the game. Solo Que is the #1 most request BG forum request in the last 10 years. Give the majority of the players what they want. Make PvP fun again.

Facts are facts.

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WSG is a team game, pvp players understand that.

Solo queue would be fun to troll people but isn’t really pvp.

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why are you mad bigmountain.

it sounds alot like you are scared to be dumped into the groups of premades that would face each other :stuck_out_tongue:


Fortunately none of the devs ever read these forums, I think they look at the stats of premade groups losing to pugs and they know that things are not loopsided. it was great seeing your responses Sa and to see there are other players with brain visiting these forums.

I think I said everything I wanted to on this topic and I will go play the game. Good luck in your warsong games and dont let the trolls beat you.

Solo que is an absolutely stupid idea, but some people are too brianless to read.

Again you would increase que times and prevent people to play with just 1-2friends so the dads can play against other dads and get schooled by one good fc that knows the jumps and meta.

Instead of constantly blaming premades for your losses focus on beating the premades it is not very hard tbh.

See ya

The meta would change - it would be easier to farm rep / honor solo or duo (or whatever is allowed) queueing in with pugs.

Premade v premade games, especially with both teams good, take a ton of focus and often last a long time. They are way more fun but are not good if one is trying to farm honor or rep.

So instead of running into premades v pug - you would have teams of pugs having to deal with a few gamers in each game. All the games would probably take longer but the sum outcome would be pretty similar.

Only a few premades would really queue for premade queue (the 1 in a 100 that are actually a premade and not a random group of 10 people). Because the current ‘premades’ that people are complaining about get stomped harder than pugs are currently getting stomped versus real teams.

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Honestly, this is probably 90% of the reason why people are against it. They’re sad that they won’t be able to stomp on newbies anymore.


Easy solution. Ban them. It’s not like it would be hard to tell they’re exploiting the queue. I can understand people doing that in AV, because there’s no premade way to queue together. But if there is an option to run premades in a premade queue, exploiting the solo queue becomes bannable.

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I dont even premade majority of the time and I am against this. So your argument is invalid and I am more excited to play against premade as a pug then another pug, because beating premades as pug feels good (:

yeah clearly u guys wanna just steamroll newbs all day lol (yikes)

im gonna go learn the alli side tunnel jump so i can beat a group of 10 nerds in comms next time i queue up (yikes again)


Then you would be for the premade vs premade thing. You’re lying through your butt right now lol


The part we are trying to explain to you - is that because there is no MMR - you basically have solo-only queue already.

95% of premades you run into are no better than a pug with a few gamers in it.

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I want to que as 1-3 people if you do premades only que, it would never pop for a 3man group you dummie + you increase que times for everyone. God you need to learn to read.

Actually, solos even could queue in the premade queue. Some 9 man parties would perfer that. If you want to queue 3 man, and think you’ll never get games, that’s illustrative how basically no one prefers to play like you do.

1-3 people is not a premade. you would be tossed in with the randoms.

imagine calling other people bads and being terrified of fighting 10mans


You realize that your talking to people have that have stated they mostly solo queue…

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