Premade = AFK

I gave you multiple other reasons, what if you want to que with 2-3friends only, that would now be only premade que who is gonna fill the 7slots? Longer que times would deffinitely be a thing especially with addition of more BGs and the hype dieng down. And how are you trying to prove that people are queing together, maybe they are just queing at the same time, definitely couldnt be banable or proven. Please go play the game you are clueless and your posts dont add anything to the topic.

Fun organic PvP. A bunch of randoms teaming up for the first time to slay their enemy.

Solo Que is the answer and always will be the answer.


So you just want a sandbox to PVP in and not actually play WSG?

They should just make a battleground that last 1 hour and is just a brawl with no winners / losers for you guys so less people are greifing those that are actually trying to play WSG.

WSG is about FLAGS not kills.

Yeah, people saying “Why add a proper solo queue, premades will just try to circumvent it anyway?” are like people saying “Why have laws, people are just going to break them anyway?” lol.

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Pairs, other groups of 3. Maybe a group of 7. It’s fine.

Solo Que would be the most hype thing they add to WoW in the last decade. Maybe ever. You want BGs to be jumping. Add Solo Que and see how many people start playing and Queing.

Solo Que would drastically increase the PvP participation.

No one said that. You are projecting bias is all.

I would posit that players winrate should shift by less than 10% if they added a solo queue.

Those losing now would still lose, those winning now would still win.

Kek can you imagine the wait time to find a 7man premade to fill your 3man, man solo que is the worst idea I ever heard of as I said i have 100s of games already won against premade while solo queing, the problem here is skill gap. You need to think more about what you’re doing wrong that you end up losing games.

Solo Que would save WoW PvP. It would be the best feature ever added into an MMO.

You still haven’t given any logical reasons why it’s bad. The upside is huge. You want fast Que times and PvP participation at an all time high? Then add Solo Que.

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WoW PvP doesnt need saving it’s been popular for 20years and it will be popular for another 20years. Go learn to play and leave the forums to people with experience.

And I gave you multiple logical reasons. I love to que as 2-3man and with addition of solo que that would be impossible.

Longer queue times.

What is the upside? People losing would be losing just as much but would now also be trolled by solo FCs that just enjoy watching the world burn :joy:

You want to spend 1+ hour chasing an EFC that your team is unable to catch?

Tbh I don’t care either way - if they added solo queue I would just win more games since I FC…

What I do care about is when people AFK in the battleground, fail to improve themselves, give up, and blame premades for their inability to win WSG.

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No you didn’t.

No it wouldn’t.

Wrong. The PvP participation would be at the highest ever with Solo Que. People would resub. It’s a feature players have been waiting forever for. It’s a big deal.

The day Solo Que is added you easily increased PvP players by 10 times heck maybe even 50 times. Solo Que is massive and would be massive hype publicity for WoW attracting players.

Are you trolling? I already said. Several times.


I thought this person was clueless, but now I am pretty sure he just likes to troll the forums, none of your responses make sense, if its your mental health then I am sorry and seek help, if its just you then good job you got me. Either way if you have almost 4000 posts on the forums and still dont understand how WSG works I would think about maybe looking into different game. Good luck to you

Please explain to me how solo queue will lead to better games, or more wins, for players that are currently struggling to win.

I think it is just that premades are the current ‘evil’ to players that are losing and they fail to realize that if the premades are removed a new ‘evil’ will cause them to lose.

It is like bigmountain said easier:

Premades aren’t why people are losing - lack of skill, focus, and effort are why pugs are losing. That doesn’t change when you remove the premade - something new will become to blame , such as ‘EFCs doing jumps’, ‘druid forms removing slows’, ‘purge too OP’, ‘consumes are not fair’, etc.

Just because someone loses just as much, doesn’t mean that the games weren’t more enjoyable.
Losing games against similarly matched teams where both sides can potentially have fun killing other players and capping flags
Losing a lot of games where you just get plowed by premades

Which do you think is more fun and more healthy for the PvP environment overall? Not just for you. Overall.


Every single pug has a few minutes to see their team comp, communicate, and potentially kill premade, cap, and often win. Their common failure to do so is no indication that the potential was not there.

I probably have 20k post but they did away with the old forums. I been posting for on the forums for almost 16 years.

I have full understanding how WSG works. I have done RBG as well and beat the best teams in the world. I have been the #3 ranked Prot Pal in North America at that time. I’m well aware of the intricacies of WSG and other BGs.

With that said If I wanted to Que into Premades, I would just play Retail and do Rated BGs. I’m not looking for that. It’s a lot more fun to just have some good casual organic PvP. Which is why Solo Que would deliver that and increase the player base significantly once they add it.

Most PvP players aren’t looking to get into Rated gameplay or Premades. They just want to Que some casual BGs. Have fun, try some different builds without Queing into a BiS team on discord. So the current system is driving away the majority of players.

Make sense. Good.

Retail WSG has a timer, it is like the ez mode of WSG

It is as simple as making separate queues for premades. If people want to group up and stack the deck, let them do it against each other.

It needs to happen


Sure you are that why you hide behind lvl 10warrior char. Man you have issues and you are deff not top in the world. But whatever you need to tell yourself I am over your game. Imagine if instead of 20k posts you’d get better at the game.