Premade = AFK

youre 20 posts deep in this thread and all youre saying is git gud . there is clearly a problem and youre an idiot if you think solo queuers shouldnt be pooled in the same games.


Your attitude is like a silver LoL player blaming his team for not being able to climb. Unfortunately this is quite common lot of people have problem looking inward and thinking what they can do better, its lot easier to blame the team.

Instead of nerfing the game - people should take the time to improve themselves.

WSG is great because it is very easy to pickup but the skillcap is massive and nobody has truly mastered it.

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They’ve had twenty years to learn… You are damn naive if you think they’re going to miraculously start now.

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You have to realize that full solo queue would get trolled so hard by a single gamer that can run flags.

The thing solo players are worst at are catching FCs… and grouping up to break defenses.

im still waiting for you to offer a solution instead of calling people bads

feel like ill be here a while


It’s 100% factually is not.

Adding Solo Que will be the best feature ever added into WoW.


And many people have learnt many of the jumps and how to play the game. There are many high-level premade v premade games that are a TON of fun. But pugs that only play alone never get to see those.

This isn’t retail or wotlk - WSG in era has depth and that should be protected not watered down.

if they made solo que, which again is very bad idea. Lot of these trade chat premades that struggle into other premades would then do countdowns to que into solo que together so you wouldnt even get pugs vs pugs anyway. And again one good fc can clown majority of pugs.

I think a lot of people in this thread don’t seem to realize is that the types of players that sign up for premades are generally those who have a proper PvP mindset.
For example:
Knowing how the BG works
Knowing what class weaknesses/strengths exist
Using proper PvP-oriented runes and talents (rarely for talents because we don’t have many at the moment)
Equipping PvP-focused gear (gear with stamina/stats instead of just +shadow/nature/fire damage)
Knowing how to work/move together as a team
Knowing how to target healers
etc etc.

Compare this to the average person who queues up for solo queue. They’re most likely to be one or more of the following:
Just testing the PvP waters in SoD
Not properly geared
Not used to PvP in general
Not reading chat
Hoping to afk for free honor/rep while they watch youtube
High af and has a brain-latency not dissimilar to a 56k modem

Even if a PvP player who has a high level of play solo queues and goes into a solo queue team vs. Premade game, it’s almost always going to be a negative outcome for that player (and their team).

tldr: People who are of the mind to join a Premade team are more prepared, more experienced, more knowledgeable and more willing to work as a team etc, than most people who are part of a solo queue’d team. Even if you were to play the actual best WoW PvP you’ve ever played in your life, chances are the rest of your team won’t be anywhere close.

Sure, there’s anecdotes where people have beaten a premade as solo queued team, but those are so few and far between that posting about them actually detracts from the overall glaring issue.


Make a group.

Improve your ability to carry flags.

Learn all roles and help people position better.

Communicate with your team.


A solo queue in classic would be an absolute game changer and be a huge success. So long as they don’t bring in some retail philosophy and gimp the rewards.


It’s not depth, it’s degenerates abusing terrain exploits over and over and over on players that don’t… and degenerates defending abuses of said terrain exploits.

Play PTR, every single druid, every single game, runs flag to GY side for the jump, then parks ToT because they can alternate between mid tot->tot jumps, go up tunnel, through fence, to ramp, or back to gy for the jump up there…

It’s providing a massive amount of options that aren’t in the intended map design and that alone dramatically changes the game meta for how to defend FCs.

I can agree with the “making a group” suggestion, because as I just posted, people who want to join a premade are generally more knowledgeable/experienced/willing to communicate.

But trying to communicate with your team in solo queue? Good luck. You’d more quickly win the lottery than get half the people in the game to actually read chat lol.


Yikes man, they should make some sort of requirments to post on the forums, because people clueless like you that have nothing to say are just spamming this post. :frowning: again if they did made solo q the bad premades will just do countdowns to que into it together and pugs will lose to good fcs regardless. As well if you make a solo que you cant que as 2-3 people into anything else then premades then? And on top of this you just increasing que times for everyone for no reason. Please go play the game and leave the forums alone.

Which PTR? The 1.14 PTR it was insanely easy to kill FCs because they didn’t have skull…

If you (a single player) make the effort to learn the jumps the EFC now cannot do them, because you are right on them the whole time - and they have to start blowing consumes to continue getting away…

Jumps are a skill - pugs lose to jumping EFCs, in premade vs premade there are a lot less EFCs doing jumps because it doesn’t do much when the enemy team can do them as well.

People that cant do all jumps in wsg under pressure shouldnt even comment on this post, like go practice. You are trying to fly, before you can walk.

It’s the best idea in the history of WoW. Anyone arguing against this doesn’t want healthy engaging PvP. Furthermore there aren’t any arguments against Solo Que. It’s just a win for the community.

That’s called an exploit and would be bannable. It’s gameplay sabotage trying to do something unintended.

Just let the majority of PvPers have Solo Que so PvP can flourish.


So a game that is a persistent world which you share with others - all who pay a monthly sub as well - is designed to be “worth playing” for specifically you before everyone else, even when it’s considered griefing per the EULA you’ve agreed to? That’s either horrendously confusing or entitled beyond belief.

Okay, I’m going with entitled beyond belief. Not engaging with this person anymore.

What kind of engaging PVP do you expect from two low tier pugs running into each other?

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