Premade = AFK

This is totally not true, if you clash mid with 9 (1 went to pick flag) - even if you wipe and go hard D, you can wipe their team second clash while your FC grabs their flag and runs it back - then you meet them a bit past mid and escort…

Just because you lose the teamfight doesn’t mean you will get wiped second fight, especially as CDs are used.

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A bit ago I was playing with a casual premade and we ran into a gamer premade (with some names I recognize from Era) - we got obliterated in like 11 minutes.

Then we ran into a pretty popular streamer premade - it was a fun 45 min 2-3 loss.

The gamer premades are very rare compared to random lfg premades or streamer premades that can definitely be contested. The skill level difference is insane.

People getting run over by the average premade only need to look at themselves and improve.


don’t rez EZ


Most players can recognize being completely outmatched. They’re going to be aware of whether it’s a 9v9 or 10v9. They’re going to be aware if two broke off to go to the flag, etc.

It’s very easy to tell when there’s no chance. Prolonging that is anti-fun to the motivation that most people play for: gaining rep/honor. You are prolonging how long it will take to get the one mark and move on. That may not be what motivates you but it motivates a lot of other players.

So in order to get rid of this divide, just make a pug only queue. It solves so many multi-layered problems.


Ye we had over 3hour game against Beans premade the other day xD

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See after you run with a lot of premades you realize how hard they will rage at each other when the game becomes a stalemate - especially versus pugs.

Nothing is more fun than trapping a premade in a game that they think they should run over. It is literally the most fun part of WSG.


I’m pretty sure this is considered griefing, per the EULA:

You can read for yourself:
So if you want to advocate people partake in conduct that has absolutely zero goal except to “deliberately disrupt or undermine the Game experience for others,” you may want to let them know they can probably be reported and get a temp ban for doing so.

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This is so true, nothing like a premade losing to a pug and then breaking apart blaming each other, coz they couldnt make half the jumps.

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WSG isn’t about honor per hour, or rep.
WSG isn’t about kills.
WSG is about dominance.
WSG is about flags.
WSG is about winning.

Until you truly want that flag more than your opponents - you will always lose and cry.

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Bad pre-made’s exist, but like I said, the litmus test is just clashing in the middle and seeing how that goes. 9 times out of 10 they’re just going to wipe a pug, and it will be very well established that there’s no chance if there is no chance.

Any player that has been playing this more than maybe a month will be able to tell immediately. There are extenuating circumstances that can make that litmus test not be true, yes. But of course players that have been playing long enough will know that’s the case if it’s happening. But generally this is the perfect test.

Prolonging the game is what some people like doing, and that’s fine. That’s their playstyle. But the other half of the players just want to get the mark. So get rid of all of this nonsense and just make a solo queue. It solves a plethora of problems.


the problem is a win is worth over 600 honor making wins faster for them is not helpful

This is what majority of people dont understand, killing someone in a meta without mounts is a waste lot of times you better of ccing them and moving forward as well if you do kill someone you should do it around the ress timer so they get a full 30seconds downtime. For instance priests should just not be killed at all most of the time just keep them oom in combat or in sheep/sap.

Some players have 500 HP, some players aren’t 25 level yet. Some players don’t have all their runes. They are just trying to see what PvP is like. These players are not beating a BiS geared Premade in discord. Just stop.

We need Solo Que


Sa if you actually believe all your ramblings so far seek help.


I mean I don’t really care about them raging, I just want to progress. Pugs can turtle all day but that would be stupid too. Most people want to progress or just find at least a level playing field game to have some fun in.


With solo queue, players that can run flags and do jumps will just troll y’all even harder.

This is purely a skill issue.

Players with multiple years of WSG experience are dominating the rest at the moment - people need to take the time to improve instead of trying to hide away in their own queues.

Hidden MMR would be nice but that’s different than a separate queue.

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I too would post on my lvl 10warrior if I was clueless like you.

Choosing not to play a game that is an objective waste of my time is not griefing.

It’s up to blizzard to make their product enjoyable.

There is an obvious goal, expedite the process to getting a game worth my playing time. I’m not paying a monthly sub so other people can have fun at my expense.

Go lick boots elsewhere, this is Blizzard’s problem to fix.


I’m just giving you retail players a few tips on how to win WSG…

If it is too hard to beat LFG premades as a solo queue player than there is lots of room for potential improvement with the right mindset :slight_smile:

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This is true, and a prime reason why literally every jump and terrain exploit should have been nerfed 20 years ago.

Had a rare pug v pug earlier today where it was literally impossible to win because I couldn’t solo corner a druid who actually knows what he was doing, and my team wasn’t competent enough to cut off his 2 escapes… Instant loss because I couldn’t be in 3 places at once.

They haven’t improved in literally 20 years… There is absolutely no reason to hope or expect that to miraculously change now.

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