Premade = AFK

I usually don’t say this, but this is quite a tinfoil hat moment :slight_smile:


Bit of an overreaction. Their position is perfectly valid. And yes people get upset. That wasn’t that bad.

Edit… never mind, I later had to ignore this person for being an obvious troll and gratuitously abusive. Probably just an angry drunk, because it seems to come in waves.

Lololol paid actor hahahahaha

If I catch a temporary ban for making that comment it will have been worth it for this response.

…Wait, have you seriously been going on about premades and pugs this whole time in the context of your alts that aren’t even at the level cap for a PvP bracket? We can completely dismiss everything else for a moment, in that case, just for the sake of simplicity, because you can replace “level” in the text below with “gear,” or with a “group,” and it carries the same message:

Story time: I first played the game in September 2006. I first entered my first WSG at level 13 or 14. I got completely destroyed. I also got read the riot act from my team for queuing below at least level 18. I go, “The BG is 10-19, so why shouldn’t I queue?” I continued to get completely destroyed, and continued to get read the riot act for queuing below the cap for the bracket. After an afternoon of this, I was already getting a reputation as troll on the server for queuing for WSG at level 13 or 14 and gimping the team. After that afternoon and subsequent evening of thinking about it, I started thinking, "Hm. Maybe I actually am screwing with the game and the fun of 9 other people by queuing at level 14, where I can’t even hit someone that’s level 19, and can kill me with one ability. Maybe I’ll not only not get yelled at, but maybe I’ll actually be able to survive more than one ability. Maybe I’ll be able to kill people. Maybe my team will win. Heck, maybe I’ll even have some fun!" So, I put on my big boy pants, stopped trying to queue in WSG, went back in at level 19, and guess what? No issues. People didn’t dress me down, people didn’t treat me like pariah, and I was able to actually be at least slightly competitive, compared to being level 14, at least.

The kicker to this? I was 14 friggin’ years old and got over myself. If a 14 year old autistic kid can realize he’s being entitled, and that just because something is technically possible in a game, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea, what’s the excuse for grown adults that are probably at least in their 30s, many of whom first touched this game sometime between 4 and 19 years ago, that know exactly how this player base is and has been for two decades at this point, to not get over themselves and expect the game to cater especially to them individually, and to try to insist that the people posting on this forum - which, no matter how you paint it, is a single drop in the bucket of active players - represent the masses that play the game and are barely even aware forums exist, let alone interact on there?

Did people not learn how to play team games, how to share, how to act like big boys and big girls instead of like babies in kindergarten or earlier? Did people never hop in a team game completely blind, get read the riot act, and even once question that maybe it’s not everyone else that’s in the wrong? Or did people just stop giving a damn about anyone but themselves and reverted their mental and emotional maturity to that of a child with an age in the single digits?

A game be for anyone, but no game is for everyone. If I’m at a table with people playing poker and I demand it be Old Maid because it’s using the same cards and I want to play Old Maid, I’m being an entitled brat; nobody is going to change that for me. The onus of finding a game of Old Maid to play is on me, not on the poker players to play Old Maid instead of Poker.

I’ll not be like everyone else and say “go play retail.” I’ll try to be at least a little bit more constructive: You may have a better time playing a single-player game, with computer-controlled allies and opponents, than you will playing with other humans. I won’t say you will for sure, but it may be something to consider.

(Yes, it’s a ton of text. Sorry that I can’t think of a way to make it more concise while ensuring both the relevant information and the proper tone is conveyed. If you’ve actually read the entire thing, thanks for the consideration. If you haven’t, that’s fine by me, but I won’t be responding to messages where the poster makes it obvious they either didn’t read it in full, or have dismissed large swaths of it to try to pick apart one segment.)

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At this point that’s more than the poster to which you’re responding deserves.
Good man, Bald.

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The irony of all these pro premaders constantly gas lighting people that want a solo queue is that if they were right and the only problem is the mentality of the solo queue players, then it wouldn’t matter if we got solo/premade queues. They’d be completely unaffected because clearly they earned all those wins fair and square and they could continue to do so against other premades. But they’re not right and they know that, all they do is deflect from the fact that they want to pug stomp for easy gains and gas light people that are tired of being abused by the system and want to play BGs the way they used to be. I really wonder how many of them know they’re liars and how many of them have genuinely convinced themselves of their own lie at this point. I solo queued to R14 in the old system when brackets were still a thing. I can count the number of times we managed to beat a premade as a pug on one hand, this argument is perpetually ridiculous and it’s been going on for 20 years.


Literally no amount of strategy is going to help against these premades as a PUG.

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Blizzard needs to not allow groups/raids to join any structured PVP and all battlegrounds should be random (so people don’t pick a certain number to join and zerg).


Woke up way too early and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Hopped on, solo queued into WSG, just to see how it is.

First BG I joined, someone was doing this endlessly to troll: This was all in the course of two seconds. They were doing it nonstop. There was also a player that was AFK the entirety of the game.

Second BG I joined, I came in to an in-progress game that was 0-2 and it went 0-3 pretty quickly. No complaint, it was an in-progress BG, it’s whatever.

Third and final BG I joined, there was “chatter,” by which I mean at the very beginning, someone said “no priests, rip,” and after one failed attempt at trying to grab the Horde flag, the Alliance team just… I’ll let their own words speak for them. I highlighted the paladin complaining about prolonging the game when someone had returned the flag when the game was still 0-1, and it was 6 or 7 minutes into the game. You also have people telling others to AFK out.

Oh, and of these three, only the second game was against a premade.

People try to say you only will join a premade if you’re a hardcore PvPer, or if you’re trying to steamroll pugs, or that you need a ton of time or gear or buttered toast to even get in a premade, dismissing all the trade chat/lfg chat premades that form. My opinion? People acting like spoiled rotten children, not trying to actually play the game, and either trolling, griefing their own teammates, or being antisocial brats is the best argument for premades.

And y’know what? I’ll budge on my stance. Let Blizzard segregate solo queue and group queue, on a temporary basis. Allow only individuals to queue and only full groups to queue. Then, take note of the queue times for both, take note of how people talk and behave in BGs between the two, and take note of whether or not people actually play the damn game for both. Then, let’s reconvene and see which people would prefer: dealing with that absolute BS above endlessly, or behaving like something that at least partially resembles an adult and actually wants to play WSG, not just be a troll or turn BG chat into /b/.

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have you only played wow your entire life?
download overwatch. or heroes of the storm. games literally made by blizzard, on their own launcher next to wow.
those games have systems in place that work with premade/pug/solo/duo/trio etc que’s.
please stop pretending systems to fix premade vs pug don’t exist in countless other games
or that they dont work fine for those games.


Imagine watching a bg game of wow and seeing how its played

Keep huffing that copium

dont forget this is bannable, i remember vividly alliance used to AFK in bg’s for a quick Loss in pre tbc classic because it was faster honor vs the horde having hour long que times and horde got mad about it, so blizzard made it a bannable offense, but please, keep afking in bg’s.

Better yet, don’t even queue. Then they’ll come complaining on the forums that queues are an hour long, then we’ll see some action out of Blizzard. Just boycott this crap.

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Every premade I run into has 2-4 priests and 2-4 hunters that are generally geared couple that with im horde so ret paladins just rolling peeps too.

My team consists of 3 druids that have mixed caster/feral runes on, a hunter with a lvl 12 boar named 公猪. We got lucky and got a priest! oh, he has 650 hp after fort sick. Acting like this has a chance is silly

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Yeah no, people like that are why I hate facing premades even more. I already have to deal with them, I don’t want to have to deal with people like that and get stomped by a premade.

Also if you think the chat is any better in a premade pug that gets stomped by some premade guild in comms your mistaken. Its probably also similar when a pug actually starts beating a premade. The one premade I’ve faced where we won half the enemy team left the match once we capped the first flag. I can only imagine what their chat looked like.

It’s absolutely absurd that the premade issue isn’t even addressed. This team has done a great job so far with SoD, but I get the strong feeling that none of them understand pvp in this game.

Yeah that’s good too and honestly it’s happening already, I’m not trying to que anymore I’m just playing other games while my sub runs out.

finally the correct mindset, just dodge all hits and only crit = win

Well said sir.