Premade = AFK

Wow! look at all these baseless facts…

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Or just git gud and make your own premade ? Why is that so hard ?

I do sometimes. It’s just boring and easy. I prefer challenge. Solo queue now.


Without premade Q’s, just solo Q against solo Q, the average player has a ~50% winrate. It’s everyone who is complaining, I don’t know where you’re getting this idea that it’s only crappy players complaining. Literally every single other game out there separates groups from solo Q players, because it’s such an obvious concept that premade groups will have an insanely unfair advantage over randomly formed groups.


They think the game is complicated, and they just graduated last year form keyboard turning so they think the game at its current state takes skill.

I literally play with someone who never played WoW or an MMORPG in his life and hes pumping 110 dps on a melee hunter spamming Raptor Strike on Kelris.

these kids scream everyone is bad as ad hominem because they have no winning argument to why Premades should be able to get free rep on PuGs.


90% of the current premade players will also end up in that queue. Because most the current premade are basically pugs, they just made the tiny extra effort to organize prior.

It’s not that bad players are complaining - it is bad players are giving up and advocating doing such. That is the definition of being bad.

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Yea, they need to make premades que against premades only. It’s an idiotic thing blizzard doesn’t seem to wanna fix, it’s a big reason people stray away from PVP… because blizzard is out of touch.

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It’s not a question of effort. Most players don’t want to be forced into a premade, and prefer the pug playstyle. These pugs should face each other. Forcing players to play how they don’t want to play is simply bad design.


Pugs that are putting in effort, keeping an open mind, constantly improving - will be winnings games decently these days.

The game is 10v10 - whether you just met the 10 or played with them for a little bit and are in disc - isn’t the massive difference maker. It is an advantage but only one of many possible advantages that can be had by a side.

However, when pugs are not trying, won’t play for objective, or being a downer, is almost a guarantee that team loses.

Also if anyone is trying to grind straight to exalted in a few days - that will always be upsetting - take your time you have multiple phases to get there :slight_smile:

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I play in pugs and I play in premades. Premades are not only boring, they’re tedious. Most people prefer to play in a pug, and they should face each other.

This is not a question of effort. Blizz could start implementing a system where you need 50 wpvp honor kills to get a key to then queue for a bg. That would require more effort. Would it be a good thing just because it’s more effort? No. People don’t want to do that crap. Just as most people don’t want to deal with premades - being in them or playing against them as a pug.

It’s perfectly reasonable to request pugs vs. pugs.

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Pipe dreams are rough to face when you have no choice but to accept it will not happen. Good luck to you all with this process. My heart goes out to you.

I don’t think the request is unreasonable, and it would be fine to implement. But it would destroy premades (which some people do enjoy) outside of the few top groups. If there are so many ‘premades’ at the moment, it could also be proposed that more people enjoy premade than solo queue. (personal to pug I enjoy solo queue more, but premades are fun versus other premades)

But it would not really make most WSG easier for those that are prone to giving up. And not playing objective would still be greifing one’s team.

Well, unfortunately, holding people hostage to a game mode they’d rather not play isn’t a viable plan for good design. I think premades will continue to flourish if the “premade league” offers titles, or perhaps cosmetics.

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Well nobody has to queue wsg, it is 100% optional. If someone is going to greif the game instead of going /afk if they are unhappy they definitely should not queue. There is no ‘hostage’ situation happening - WSG queue style is the exact same on Era / vanilla.

The good ones will regardless of what happens, but the majority will fall apart unless the reward is significant.

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Maybe you should practice that as well. Why are you here? “No dev has said they’re going to change it so they’re not going to.” You’re not exactly contributing anything to these threads other than troll responses.

Also I’ve seen so many threads of “that’ll never happen” only for the thread topic to in fact end up happening.

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Because then they wouldn’t be able to stomp pugs anymore. They’ve made it clear they don’t want premades vs premades and are justifying their position based on Blizzards silence.

But yeah, I don’t understand these types of people who come into threads and just say “they’ll never do that. accept it and move on.” People said that about mage tower returning in retail and it came back. People said that about t3 and it was put on the bmah, and then now its craftable. Hell people said that about classic ever being a thing, and then 2018 happened. Speaking of classic, you know where there is a game where you can que premades vs pugs that is also vanilla wow, classic era.


You find so many reasons why you cant win a game, such a blackpilled mentality.

I bet you one of those people that say “oh no guys its premade, just go next” , townhaller.

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Optional? I mean, duh? A non-point.

If premades had their own que, they’d be fine… it’d essentially just be RBGs. Which would benefit the player-base as a whole. It’s insane that blizzard still allows premades to go against pugs, when in reality what forms of PVP does era and SOD have? BGs? :cricket:

They either don’t care about PVP in era / SOD or they’re just out of touch.


You are right. It’s totally happening any day now.

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Everyone flag this post and report it, it is time we start doing it because this people are abusing the way they speak to us constantly.

And if they are not banned or suspended it means they are paid actors that their job is to defend the company every step of the way using any action they need and they obviously won’t get banned or suspended for antagonizing people that make criticism because they are being paid to do that to make the people that make criticism react to their insults and attacks and then they can now ban the people that make criticism.