Premade = AFK

Wrong, then Blizz would make a Gearscore Requirement and a higher level requirement.

A geared out level 10 isn’t doing a thing versus a 19. Yet they allow them to Queue, so that’s playing the game as intended, not playing max level with all gear. When you do that it literally means you’re bad at the game, because you need the gear to carry your wins.
THIS means YOU are not playing the game. You simply wants caps and to get out, not having to fight for the Caps was the point of that statement, but you’re clearly dense and struggling to understand your purpose.

Now I know you’re bats**** crazy, if you don’t have 3 priests and at least 3 hunters you aint winning the game, sorry… think harder before you post and it wont be so easy to make you look like a bafoon.

I have a 25 in raid gear, but leveling alts and playing in BGs for fun as you level is unavailable in the current state of the game because people like you who are clearly terrible at the game need pull consumes, BiS gear, and 9 other people mic’d up so you can farm rep against epopel that are actually playing the game as intended (EI; not worrying about all BiS, full consumes, and going in to have fun)

It’s not a matter of stepping up, it’s a matter of Casual Players getting a more casual experience and sweatlord neckbeards having a more sweatlord experience, and they should not be uncontested in the Grind for Rep if the Rep Grind is locking back player from BiS gear and they should have to still work for instead of “farm” so they should be Queue’d against other Premades.

sorry if this ruins your playstyle… but you’re not taking on full premades and your 20% win rate against them means nothing.


idk what you’re going on about tbh - clearly you don’t play WSG.

I solo queue and fight for every cap. And my positive w/l ratio proves my effort and resolve in the gulch.

All 20 people should have the appropriate level, gear, consumes, etc. Nobody needs to be full bis, but basics are important to stand a chance versus players who did come prepared. If you’re the one without the basic requirements you are brining down your team

Feel welcome to make another delusional rant further showing you don’t have WSG experience.

its you that seems clueless You are making arguments for pugs beating premades yet you have some delusion that pugs have bis, lvl25 ,and are good at listening to randoms.

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Because it happens all the time. And 90%+ of the current premades running around are playing like pugs.

I am not against solo queue - I am against giving up one is versus a premade. But I stand by the fact that most people losing today, will continue to lose even if a solo queue.

There is no such thing as ‘casual’ wsg - that requires no effort, gear, consumes, etc. that will reliably lead to consistent wins in the long term.

There is as much of a chance of them adding this as it is for a dungeon finder or LFR.

I have Played a lot more WSG than you over my lifetime I can assure you.

Don’t get mad at me for someone else calling your delusions out.

internet tough guys are hilarious. I bet you’re less confident in person for some reason…


Then you would know 3 priest 3 hunter is meta, but not unbeatable

I literally just beat the exact comp you described as a 5 man with 2 mages rogue druid pri

We know hunter priest is busted tho

If the SAME players with the SAME skill played against one another, the Priest Hunter combo will win every single time no chance.

it’s broken enough to make a change.

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thats too much of a vacuum claim. but i know what youre saying.

We know this meta is garbage and half the reason is the blanket dampening

Casters are so limited its crazy. Im out here playing priest more than shaman bc its so trash

:clap: Say it louder for the people in the back :clap:


Prove your track record.

He’s both, but in this case, he’s right.

Solo queue is the best thing WoW could do for the health of the Classic PvP community.

Any argument against this is quite simply premaders whining about a threat to their premades no longer being able to pug-stomp period.

Also add a Solo-Arena queue for Wrath/Cata/Beyond, just like the extremely successful one they have in Retail after a billion years of resisting.


I used to have an addon that tracked w/l but sadly I don’t have it anymore. Though even that was easy to cheat as you could just /afk out right before a loss and it would not be counted.

You’re just going to have to trust me that putting in effort, being open minded to learn, and constantly improving will lead to more WSG wins, regardless of whether you are vs premades or pugs…

Or don’t believe me… I’m not the one complaining on forums that I can’t win games. The current solo queue WSG games have been decently fun and I’ve enjoyed many more wins than losses.

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[responding to post about addons tracking /afk or DCs]

I don’t think the one I had did, this was back before TBC and I stopped using it when I came back to era.

Which one are you using? I can install it and give an update in a couple days.

No instead, you’re complaining that people that can’t win games need to get as good as you are because you solo premades at a 20% W/L ratio.

it’s actually hilarious.

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This is hilarious, after all this time people still think that pugs can triumph consistently over premades…what a joke.

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Actually my points are:

  • making it an all solo queue probably won’t improve the win rate of most people complaining.
  • I also kinda like that people are rewarded for grouping and being organized (though not enough to be against solo queue)
  • that most premades these days are just as bad as pugs
  • that going afk, staying ghost, demoralizing team in a bg is far worse than anything else.
  • that everyone in this thread, including me, has a lot to learn to about wsg because there is a lot of depth to optimal wargames.
  • that making an effort is required to win wsg
  • that you should come prepared to wsg

Probably a few more, but is more like ‘get good’ with some actual tips, instead of supporting the crying about premades, which again, I don’t think is the reason most people crying are losing because the current premades are mostly pretty bad.

Oh hey, its this guy again, contributing nothing useful to the conversation whatsoever and spewing delusional bad takes. Posting from a retail character too so you know he doesnt play the game.


Yes it will improve the win rate of most people who only do solo Q, because statistically speaking, over thousands of games played, the ratio becomes 50/50 (maybe leaning slightly more towards horde bc of shamans) due to RNG in team comp, afkers, etc.

When people have a less than 50% winrate against premades (which they do by far), then their overall winrate is lower over all Q’s. I feel like math this is common sense


Most players complaining are probably not in the 50th percentile… so their winrate will probably be more like 30 to 40%, or even less if they are prone to giving up, as the amount of games they play approaches infinity (unless they learn to improve their own skills) whereas some players (especially really good FCs) will approach closer to 80/90% win rate in solo queue.