Premade = AFK

Exactly right

Please do this so my rep grind is faster, ty.

cool, you should be doing that against other premades and it shouldn’t be a “farm”.

This is 100% a fact that you stated. You CAN easily do all of the above. But most randos in bgs aren’t paying attention to team chat or generally don’t care and do their own thing. Meanwhile, vs a premade…it’s a little one-sided and leaves very little room for the competent people on your team to communicate and at least stand a chance. Just my 2c.

It def takes work - sometimes you have to spam chat, sometimes use all caps, call people out by name, but more often than not it is possible to wrangle some pugs into playing the game.

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I haven’t advocated for it because even when I’m not going against a premade when solo queuing, most people either ignore BG chat for the entirety of the game, or they have it completely hidden. (I have no way to know which of these is the case, but they never respond, never talk, never try to strategize, give instruction, or receive instruction.) There’s also the case of people that flat-out AFK during a BG - this is something that has been something you could report for for ages, but in my experience, the opposing team being a premade is by no means a “requirement” for people to AFK in a BG, be it at the start of a game, when their team starts losing, or anywhere in between.

Now, when you split the queue? You have longer queues all around, both solo players and premades. I’d rather lose in 9 minutes solo queuing by a premade, win in 9 minutes by stomping solo queued players in a premade, or fight for 15-20 minutes queuing as a facing another premade - all with 4-6 minute queues - than have 15+ minute queues before even entering a BG, regardless of if I’m solo queuing or queuing as a premade.

There’s also the matter of people who don’t care much at all about PvP, but want to just play with friends, that could end up either being unable to play with a couple friends, or having to be uncoordinated as hell in comparison to everyone else by queuing with a separate premade(if they can even find a 7-man premade) and be stomped because they’re just trying to have fun with friends.

Yeah, just learn how to beat 9ppl solo in wsg guys.

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most pugs aren’t that bad, they are def not much worse than the average premade player these days.

In my experience most pugs have like 6 people that are okay and maybe 1-4 who are totally clueless. It isn’t so hard to help give them some directions of what to do / what not to do - and to spam EFC location while flag running (there is a great WA that helps with that).

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I think the people coming to the forums disagree, and would rather wait the 10-15 minutes rather than 5 minutes to get into a BG where you literally might as well stand around… at that point you’re unable to/not able to compete or play the game so you’re forced to get farmed. When Premades are the whole reason why the Queues will shoot up that’s their fault, not the average player who just wants to play normal win/loss challenging WSG games without having to jump into Discord or Flex their items to the Raid Leader to just start a match.

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Have you been playing WSG recently and making an effort or do you queue in and start being a debbie downer from the start and assume your team is terrible?

It is really not that bad unless one is the issue bringing their pug down or not making an extra effort to carry and assuming the game will ‘win itself’.

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It doesn’t matter. This is not going to happen. There is a reason the blues keep ignoring this topic, it’s a non issue, or rather one that they have zero interest in discussing or addressing.

Wish with all your might, but it isn’t going to change.

Best thing you can do is make peace with it.

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I have been recently. Lost 17 in a row solo ques against all premades (not an exaggeration btw, this is a fact) and most definitely trying as hard as I can with my experience to help and try to carry.

And in every single one of them that I tried to help or put the extra effort in one of 3 things have happened.

  1. they just ignore and do their own thing
  2. they just do not care
  3. one or two players will see the premade and say “Premade, die quickly please so we can move on”

It’s pretty pathetic to be honest man.

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wrong on so many levels.
-Firstly Premades usually have a minimum level to Queue with them because they are there to farm the Rep, they don’t want to play the game they want 3 caps and out.
-Secondly Premades tend to have more than one player on Voice or Comms of some sort which further seperates their cohesion from the Gaggle that is a PuG.
-Thirdly a lot of premades (the majority) tend to actually have gear requirements or if they see that you’re undergeared (low HP, Mana, or without certain item slots filled) they’ll remove you for someone else.
-Finally, Premades build out specific comps, and stack the perfect composition for WSG (or get very close with what they have on hand)

There is literally zero competition in games versus Pugs that;
-Have level 10-15s in half their team.
-Have coordination with only half the Team who is trying to win but with no voice.
-Have players whos gear may be out of spec or a mixed match mess because they’re Queueing as intended. (to have fun, not farm)
-And finally Pugs sometimes have zero healers, or flag runners.

There is no competition here. Stop trying to debate it otherwise… you make no sense and its obvious.

Actually it just might…
Also if it’s for sure not going to happen, why are you vehemently defending it?


Sucks sorry about that - the most i’ve had is like 2 or 3 premades in a row and I’m probably still running at 20% winrate vs premades.

Historically horde pugs have been better than alliance ones, maybe it is because I tend to pvp in the evenings when the players are overall higher caliber. Also I FC most games and spam before start to make sure people will clash as 9 (or if there’s another FC I let them do it and clash with team) but I always make sure to help organize / motivate people before game starts)…

If we are vs a premade I make sure to say let’s make the premade cry or something along those lines.

I mean sure you could be right that certain times of night make a difference, this could definitely be a thing. See for me I have a night job so I do not get home until around midnight so I’m usually on during degen hours.

Even so, I see no reason why there shouldn’t be a solo que. It genuinely doesn’t hurt anybody.

3 cap and out is exactly what the game is - any unnecessary kills are LITERALLY griefing your own team. Kinda seeming like you aren’t the one playing the game…

Voice doesn’t really matter when pug stomping and honestly when players know what they are doing - it is only useful for calling out EFC and passing the flag / meeting your FC if they do strange stuff.

You should have prebis gear before you queue pvp regardless. Or else you are, again, literally greifing your own team.

There is no perfect WSG comp at the moment- having better players is almost always what will cause a win. Classes (cept maybe having a couple priests) are negligible

Bro get to lvl 25 - under max lvl pvp is always a meme.

Anyways - it seems like there’s a culture shock between whatever version you are used to and vanilla. WSG is serious biz, whether you solo queue or not, it is the top form of PVP and people take it seriously and work hard.

If you don’t want to step up that’s fine, but having a solo queue isn’t really gonna make you win more if you aren’t willing to play the game. You’ll just find the next thing to cry about.

I personally don’t care - I mostly solo queue anyways so it will have little change.

If they add it most current premades will collapse and those people will queue solo, since solo queue will be much faster to farm rep (even if you are chain losing).

There are a couple good arguments I see against it, but again, personally, I would not be upset if they added it:

  • rewarding players for making groups and organization and a core part of vanilla
  • possibly longer queue times

If they do add solo queue however, most people that are losing in current games - will not magically start winning - the outcomes will probably be almost exactly the same.

It actually is for the moment.

Double loh for FC if needed, their damage rn is also very good in this -25% dampen meta as are most all melee.

It’s not insane but it’s good

I doubt they’ll be as impactful at 40 as they are now

Pally is also one of the best FCs at the moment.

We are basically tied with druid being a tiny bit better than hunter / shaman.