Premade = AFK

Just report the other team for impeding game progress or something similar since they are holding people hostage for small amounts of honor and griefing in an infinite time WSG.

it’s actually against TOS to farm rezzers at the graveyard for more than like 10mins I think and purposely not ending the game. So yea those people who do it can also be banned without enough reports.

I see a lot of people talking about how they are casual and just want to get their marks. These are typically the same people pushing for a solo-queue/premade v premade system.

My problem with this is that many of these people complaining currently will not be the ones who continue to play wsg for FUN as the season progresses.

If they were to change how queues work like they did in TBC (groups of 6+ are queued into other groups of 6+) we would likely see adverse affects in terms of participation. AB and AV are both better for honor generally than WSG, and those who are complaining now will just not queue WSG anymore.

So what we will be left with is a broken system where no premades are queueing and you can no longer queue with your friends. That is the experience when you try to get your friends together in wotlk and how it played out in tbc

It would be even worse if they tried to make it solo queue. Cant even group with your friend to have fun and play WSG. Also, like others have stated, people will just find annoying ways around this limitation that I would like to not have to do myself.

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This is very true. If they are camping you at the graveyard it is a bannable offense

This is exactly what they want, easy wins to farm rep efficiently.

Exactly, you are absolutely correct

I can’t speak for other premades, but this isn’t the case in the trade chat/LFG premades I’ve pugged into, nor the ones I’ve faced. Most of the people are there because they’re trying to get exalted with Silverwing Sentinels/Warsong Outriders before phase 2, and spending 30 minutes winning 1 or 2 games and losing 1 or 2 games quickly gets people rep far quicker than spending an hour trying to win one.

Such as kicking and screaming about groups being able to queue into PvP with solo players, something that has been in the game since they added BGs, and something Blizzard has had a chance to address in Classic for four years at this point. Because from my perspective - and I acknowledge my perspective is wholly my own, and speaks for no one else, though with this being a contested topic, I would be surprised if nobody agrees - people that solo queue, ignore BG chat or have it completely turned off, blob in the middle, don’t even attempt to go for flags, or, worst of all, give up as soon as they see that people on the other team are from the same server and just outright AFK, is not fun in the slightest. I queue into WSG to play capture the flag, not get more irritated with people on my team for not even attempting to communicate, not attempting to do anything involving flags, or leave their friggin’ computers.

Not really. As I said above, my issue is far more with people on my team being entitled and antisocial brats that don’t give a rat’s tail about the fact that they’re playing a team PvP game within a multiplayer online game that incentivizes socializing with other people.

And Even if I was trying to farm HKs, a player stops giving honor after 4 HKs in 24 hours. 10 active players can kill 10 inactive players four times in a couple minutes, with a 30 second respawn timer; this would make doing so endlessly kinda pointless. (If I’m incorrect about this, anyone is free to inform me, but please point me to a source that explains diminishing returns on HKs properly, as well as the effect HKs have on rank compared to Honor after the PvP system was revamped in 1.14.4. I’d like to have correct information if I’m misinformed.)

I didn’t, actually, but again, this is pointless, because of diminishing returns on honor from HKs. At that point, if you’re trying to grind honor, you actively want anyone but someone you’ve already fought, not someone who would be feeding endlessly to the point that it’d be something that would warrant reporting. If anything, I would only bother reporting people on my team for feeding, and that’s only if they’re actively trying to screw up the game for the team we’re on.

Premade alliance now = 3 priests and 1-2 pally’s. Throw in warrior hunter. Doesn’t matter the three others… there are not enough priests on horde to make up the difference.

This…. If I lead pugs premade… the last thing say is “don’t get farmed”

Every premade I’ve been in since SoD started, the person forming the group has said, before we even started a single BG, “Don’t waste time in mid.” Some people say to clash mid at the start but cease after a death or two and regroup, some say to avoid blobbing in mid altogether, but I’ve been in absolutely zero pug premades where the goal was to farm other players instead of trying to 3-cap as soon as it’s feasible.

Pretty much. Stacking overpowered classes in a season that is not balanced just to steam roll a randomly made tream is borderline exploitative.

These people aren’t interested in playing each other. It’s just to exploit imbalance against random teams. There is no way these two teams should be pitted against each other. It’s embarrassing and should have been fixed 20 years ago.

sounds like vanilla wow to me

I used to make campfires at the lumber mill in AB with my alliance pals while waiting for the game to end

Rip bozzo.

It was, but part of the vanilla experience was demanding a solo queue. This has been perhaps the biggest request since the first week battlegrounds were initiated. The request is as old as vanilla and battlegrounds themselves. No time like the present to finally get this done. SoD is perfect for it.

And yet it will never happen…

Notice how no blue posts have been about it?

Notice how everything else they have changed has had blue posts about it when people were complaining?

Guess what that tells you?

That’s fine. It’s not the end of the world. SoD is great as is. But this is the place for feedback. Maybe they’ll put it in for next season. If they don’t, oh well. Classic is still one of the best games ever created.

By the time everyone is just doing AV again, it won’t matter anyway. But this is also one way to alleviate AV being the only battleground people care about.

It would be worth it to fix it.

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Good view on things, I honestly mean that. Just move on and don’t worry about it. The most healthy way to process the whole situation

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Here’s the thing, most pvpers in WoW do not actually want to pvp. They just want the easy win/gank.

If they actually wanted to PvP and have competition, then they would absolutely advocate for separate ques for bg’s.


Pvp is just what you do to get honor. Taking wow pvp seriously is a joke. Go play a real competitive game if you want that, you won’t find it here.

That is 100% correct and exactly what my point is.


Bigmountain you sound like someone that works for blizz…“we put in a solo queue, they will just do a solo countdown with others…we cant fix that…too much work…this solo queue that will improve gameplay will just create more work for us…keep fighting against the solo queue. We have enough work as it is”

Lmao…lets not improve anything, lets just tell them to make their own premade…k.

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