Prediction: Level 10 scaling in Timewalking in 11.0.5 will be incredibly broken

Watchi this space.

Blizzard has decided, in opening up TW to level 10-30s, to kill the TW community who spent time to gather items that scaled well at TW levels (30-45, depending on the expansion). It’s a shame because it was an active community.

Thing is, all of those items that are better than expected ilvl are still there and they’ll still be useful. They’ll only be useful to XP-locked twinks.

So what we’re going to see is level 10-20 XP-locked twinks who already have incredibly broken level scaling (existing issue) combined with farming gear that is broken for their level.

This game just isn’t designed for level 10s and level 80s to be in the same group.

I made this comment on various threads weeks ago. Nothing has changed so I just want to be able to say that I called it.


“Significant feature function change may require adjustment”.

Thanks Nostradamus - what’ll you predict next, that maintenance complaint threads will happen on Tuesdays?

I’m already broken enough that I can’t understand the thread title?

A good bit of the fun I had in tw was putting together tw sets and smashing those dungeons. The rewards are pitiful and I’m sitting on a ton of badges already, so there’s not much incentive for me to keep doing them.

Hope so.

I’ll just make a level 10 monk, lock it at 10, create a full boa set and power my friends through TW with only one button.

Easy leveling for the squad.

probably…I don’t think they’re going to be worried about balancing twinks for 8 weeks during a time where leveling is supposed to be fast though

we’ll all remember you called it though

The TW changes are permanent. It’s not jsut an LTM issue.

This week Blizzard will be scrambling for TW scaling fixes. They’ll be hotfixes and probably at least 2 more patches.

My feeling was that a lot of the twink gear from last expansion has been scaled back so they’re no longer so OP.

This is patially correct. The most egregious gear has been, most notably the WoD dungeon gear, which when Warforged at level 10 was ilvl 56 I think? That’s now ilvl 29.

But there are still choiice pieces that are OP for their level in the new scaling.

The worst part of this change is that staying relatively geared while leveling will matter for TW, where in the past it did not, so leveling alts with gear that had fallen behind or even just using old heirlooms (never fully upgraded) was an option.

Doubly so given that if one levels predominately in instances, gear starts falling far behind the expected power curve given how stingy drops can be against the leveling speed.

We’ll just have to wait and see where they scale these at all levels - my bet is similar to the OP in that lowbies will be overpowered (even without special gear) while those closer to the level cap (fresh leveling characters - not old DF raid geared alts) will feel like trash.

Couple this change with the nerfs to weekly badge quest and I don’t see myself caring about this event in the future.

It already is. I was leveling one of my old legion characters… and had someone complete delete mobs sometimes and I check their level it was 12-15 and I had a mop remix dejavu there…