Predicting the outrage of Vulpera

Then it’s as simple as adding a female model.

Looking forward to the day Ally receives immature and radioactive samurai slugs!

That would be the junk version of Jinyus!
Ankoans are the compromise for jinyus!
But there is no work worthy of attention given to them!
They have no facial expression!

If there are people who look down on the worgen even before they get their deserved re work, imagine with ankoans, who have a stone face!

Besides not having females, they are always put with elf sidekicks or made from mob thrash for loot!

The devs never showed interest in them and even in BfA they end up being cannon fodder for the Horde!

annndddddd I play a balance druid… annnddddd it is just a forum posting /alchemy alt.

It makes even less sense for Alliance to get Sethrak, yet a chunk of Alli players still cling to hope that it’ll happen.

It’ll probably be Mechagnome for Alliance and Vulpera for Horde (unfortunately).

The Horde rescued Vorrik. The Horde killed Mythrax. The Horde resurrected Sethraliss. What makes you think the Sethrak would even consider going Alliance?


I know. Not sure why you’re quoting me on that.

Keep those things out of MY Horde

Quoted mostly from undead players and blood elf players.

The irony is delicious.

In Vanilla I saw a guild that had strict no undead recruitment rules under the pretense that undead didn’t belong in the Horde.

When I make my vulpera I’ll spend a few moments in between dungeon queues to emote leg humping on people around mail boxes in downtown Orgrimmar. Should be a fun time.


They could be neutral. If the Freehold pirates made a truce with Boralus, the vulpera found there could be accessible to the Alliance too.

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oh! and aysa could bring them into the alliance cause their spunky-ness reminds her of ji! while ji could bring vulpera into the horde cause he likes what he’s seen of them.

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The very first post I replied to was you going off about Alliance players expecting races to join them based off of some smug idea of superiority, you initially were talking about Sethrak, then expanded it to all allied races. I called you out on it, and you’ve been flailing ever since.

Right? It’s like the Alliance just expect races to ally with them because they’re the glorious Alliance.

^ No one said that, and you’re clearly not just referring to the Sethrak, maybe try to not move the goal post for ONCE if you’re going to actually have an argument, hmm? The only reason you even doubled down on Sethrak is because you were trying to bait me into arguing the lore reasons for them joining the Alliance, that and you’re somehow trying to make me look like the salty one when you can’t even handle criticism of your initial statement.

For someone who’s thus far been trying to drag this into the territory of ME being butthurt, you sure seem to be upset over someone making ONE comment at you. No amount of you saying “You misused the term” changes the fact that I didn’t, and that you don’t have a leg to stand on by making vast generalizations of half the player base.

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I’ll make one but who knows if I’d play it. I really dig on all of the allied races but I’ve yet to get any of my horde allied to max level. I’ve unlocked two of the alliance heritage sets though. For some reason I’m just drawn to the alliance this expansion.

Boralus, Kul’Tiras as a whole have it’s hooks in me. Not to say that the whole Jamaican islander feel of zandalari is bad, I loved it. For once though, something abiut horde feels kid friendly compared to alliance

Yes, and that’s YOU creating a strawman because the rest of my statement, that you keep failing to quote, is the actual the argument. The actual argument is there is nothing in lore that supports Sethrak from joining the Alliance but YOU got butthurt that I made fun of your faction so you decided to make a strawman by accusing me of making a strawman hence you’re lack of understanding of what a strawman is. Comprende Mr. Butthurt?

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This all happened a long time ago, are you waiting for it to happen again?

Pretty sure the part of the alliance that reads the forums know that we’re not getting vulpera, the expansion’s been out a while now.

I don’t know how many times I need to drill this into that thick orcish skull of yours.

Your statement wasn’t just directed at the Sethrak but races in general that the Alliance apparently asks for. You keep running to the Sethrak argument as if I somehow disagree with you, at the moment, there ISN’T enough lore to support Sethrak joining the Alliance, that was never the issue. Blizzard could pull a nightborne to the Horde and void elves to the Alliance based on a simple line of dialogue to justify any allied race, the past has shown this, but right now, there is nothing. However, if you’re going to be obtuse when you make generalizations about half the player base, be prepared to be called out for it.

Do YOU get it?

Never expected them nor wanted them, been pretty disappointed in most of the Alliance Allied races thus far anyhow. Devs have yet to impress me with anything BFA related thus far.

Doesn’t matter what allied, or core races for that matter, get added. The forums will still have a meltdown.


Now that Worgen are going to look cooler I don’t care as much. Actually getting my Worgen Rogue ready to level once the patch drops.

Doesn’t mean I will not make one. Already have a few names reserved and or other characters I am willing to race change.

So in conclusion: You’re butthurt.

It’s an insult. I insult the Alliance ALL the time. Get used to it and learn what a strawman actually is before you throw that term around.

So just to recap: My actual argument, as anyone can see by looking up my name in this topic, is about Sethrak with no lore support going to the Alliance. You get upset because in one of my statements makes fun of your faction so you take that personally and claim it as a “strawman”. I try to keep bringing the conversation back to my only point of Sethrak but you keep trying to go back to strawman. Hence, you’re strawmanning by talking about strawmen instead of Sethrak which you finally admit that you do not have lore to support them going to the Alliance.

So sensitive you are.

Never understood the whole high elf thing. All alliance want Sethrak, and a small yet very loud minority of us want High Elves. The rest of the people that want high elves are contempt with blood and/or void elves.

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The Alliance has done nothing to earn any rep with them .

Both sides do WQs given by the Sethrak the rep the horde does goes to Voldunai rep which may or may not give them Vulpera.

The rep the Alliance does there already goes towards giving them an Allied race the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Also if they are going to Alliance a race in the Horde zones (Zandalar) then the Horde should get one from Kul Tiras