Predicting the outrage of Vulpera

Ya got me there.


So then we have concluded. You’re overly sensitive and butthurt and I’m a troll that likes to make fun of Alliance.

Let it be known to all.

Vulpera had a high poly model based on Goblins before the Goblins even got their high poly revamp. So Vulpera are practically confirmed at this point. The only question is when.

I’m guessing Vulpera will get their own city/zone, either in 8.3 or 9.0. Since that’s what the Horde generally get (Highmountain/Suramar). While Alliance typically get the race with either no zone (Void Elves) or they are simply related to a questing hub (Argus).

So it pretty much suggests to me Alliance will get Junk Gnomes.

I will god damn scream.

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Declare all you want, I’m not the one who has to call the other person Mr. Butthurt cause he has no point to begin with. If only you had more material besides calling the other person upset…

If only.

If you didn’t get butthurt I wouldn’t have to call you butthurt.

Let’s keep this going. You’re turn. Want to incoherently bring up Vulpera again? Maybe cry that you’ll probably get another human allied race before an actually interesting one? Randomly quote something here and say “strawman”? I’m curious to your next move.

considering every quest i’ve had dealing with vulpera has been freeing them from horde slavery they could never be willing members of the horde. vulpera should be alliance.

Wat? Which quests? I’d be shocked if Alliance got Vulpera.

All it took was one person saying “where’s my sethrak?” and you went on to make a silly generalization, I call you out on it briefly and address the topic of the thread, and here you are with you repeatedly calling me butt hurt cause you lost the argument.

And now, since you still don’t have a point, you’re bringing up things I’ve never said about humans. If anything, what’s your next move? You seem to enjoy creating arguments against things people never said, it’s like watching Snikrot vs Snikrot with a side of him calling me butthurt because I call him out on his silliness.

If people calling out your strawmen argument upsets you SO much, maybe don’t go that route?

Just a thought. It just seems to make you more upset than anything.

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lol the lovely Alliance world of delusion. I hope one day you print out all of these things just to read how incoherent you get. But the grandeur of the Alliance deludes you into a self righteous superiority. I hope you enjoy your mechagnomes and eventual fourth human allied race!

the world quests in voldun to free them from goblin slavers who are forcing them to gather azerite, and the other world quest where you use the quest item to make the sound to scare them off. poor little buggers, getting abused like that by the horde…

Devolving into insults again and making it about factions and things that were never said. Yeah, that’s one way to go when your rear end is being handed to you. :wink:

Run along, then.

Run along? Are you running out of things to say? Is your imagination going on empty from the fictitious talking points you created? Like I said, just randomly quote another thing I say and claim it as “strawman”. Keep the circle going buddy.

I really dont care which side they go to, though Alliance seems highly improbable all things considered. My only concern is whether to make a hunter or a rogue.

Edit: Dont know why it replied to you but there you go, I guess.

You’re the one going from “In Conclusion!” to “Let it be known!” to dragging the goal post all over just to mock, gloat, and as per your own admission, insult people.

I’d apologize for hurting your pride so badly, but honestly, I’m starting to just find it funny how you have nothing to say except more insults and lashing out half the player base cause I pointed out your silliness.

Well… considering that you made up where the goal post was in the first place I suppose I am moving it wherever you imagination wants it to be.

I only had one argument and you already conceded on that. But at least you’re starting to recognize the difference between an insult and a strawman. Should I provide some more examples for you or do you think you got it? Seems like we both have the time and I’m always happy to help.

Not once did I argue with you over Sethrak going to the Alliance, and even accepted that fact as an olive branch. My gripe with you has consistently been about the generalization you made, in which you promptly went into the “butthurt” argument because you can’t accept the fact that you’re just being toxic and generalizing.

You want to insult Alliance players? Go for it, you’re stunning and brave on the internet. However, if you put words into people’s mouths, it’s only a matter of time someone calls you out.


Yes, I know your gripe has been about how I made fun of the Alliance. That’s why I’ve been calling you butthurt.

Hey, you’re a Mage. Did you take tailoring as a profession? Do bandages heal butthurt? Maybe iceblock yourself to numb the pain.

Lol there you go again, maybe you can come up with more childish insults and name calling, hmm? After all, you are a self declared troll that likes to insult people and can’t form an argument besides yelling “butthurt.”

Well if you roll Alliance, you should expect the phoned-in version of whatever the Horde get. It’s been obvious for years now. No inter-factional conflict, the Alliance only shows up when the Horde needs a villain, a bunch of Horse reskins. Allied races that look like reskinned Ogres and lighter Draenei.

So I perfectly expect Alliance to get another reskin.