Predicting the outrage of Vulpera

I don’t know what there is to argue. You already conceded and everything else you’ve said is make believe. At this point we’re just keeping each other entertained while we wait for Rustfeather or does the glorious Alliance not wait for Rustfeather and just expect mobs to mail them their mounts?

Conceding over something I never disagreed with in the first place?

And are you honestly calling your own words make believe? So you admit you’re talking nothing but none sense?

Nice twist! No, your original make believe talking point assuming my insult was an actual argument of sorts. You’re really stuck on that, the hurt on your butt must be severe. Aloe Vera?

Zandalari says hi.

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If anyone here is stuck, it’s you. :rofl:

All I said was “Nice strawman” and not only have you failed to disprove me, you’re now just throwing around insults and sticking to the butthurt argument.

I guess that’s one way to project after getting your butt handed to you.

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I’d say it’s impossible to disprove something to a person that’s illogical. Shall we restart the circle about how you’re strawmanning with your misuse of strawman?

Oh, ran out of butthurt puns already.

And there is no circle to it, you made a strawman argument, I called you out on it, and now you’re just upset because you have nothing. I didn’t put words into your mouth, I quoted you precisely, I didn’t include the Sethrak part because not only do I agree, it’s irrelevant because you said “races” not just Sethrak. It’s really not my fault that you can’t seem to remember what you write.

Yes, you quoted me precisely and then assumed that my insult had any meaning other than to mock the pretentious nature of the Alliance and tried to claim it as a “strawman” indicating that it was my intent to use that statement as anything other than an insult… of which I have denied and made it clear that my only argument has and always will be that the Sethrak have no lore for them to join the Alliance.

You then continue on this rant, hence creating a strawman argument because you want the focus on this even though I’ve made it clear that what you quoted is nothing more than me mocking the Alliance. Why you want the focus on this? Because you’re butthurt.

So… nice strawman.

Only reskin I felt off about was Lightforged, honestly. VElfs were kind of cool seeing since I was so used to elves on the Horde, and Kul Tirans? Love my boatmen.


Just because you mean it as an insult doesn’t take away from the fact that you made a strawman, essentially creating an exaggerated claim that nobody made to demean others.

I called you out on the method you used, yet you’re somehow conflating me using your own words (as opposed to an exaggerated claim you never made) a strawman since you don’t seem to grasp the concept in the first place. Not to mention right off the bat you accused me of wanting Sethrak, which I promptly reminded you I had never said, and when that didn’t stick, you went on to petty insults.

You were having more luck just trying to troll me like earlier, by the way. Maybe you should stick to what you’re good at.

Yes, you got butthurt and you read too much into a simple insult. We all know this already. And I accused you of wanting Sethrak because you seem mighty butthurt that you’re not gonna get them. I mean, you’re just demonstrating the pretentious and arrogant nature of the Alliance. Can’t even handle being told how pretentious you are.

I love the VElves. I’m a sucker for void and old god anything so count me right the hell in for them.

I’d gladly stay alliance if instead of foxies we got something else that just screams Lovecraft. I know it’s most likely junk gnomes but… I can hope

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That’s the Snikky I’ve come to expect, good show!

Predictably switching back to insults and faction rhetoric cause I schooled him on how strawman arguments work. Yeah, you seem pretty bent out of shape that I called you out on making a dumb claim about half the player base :slight_smile:

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I think you might be taking the faction thing too seriously.

One thing to joke and mock another person race choice, another to insult them as a person for what they play in a game.

I certainly wouldn’t call Forsaken players sociopath murderers.

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Nice strawman there buddy.


Yeah, you seem pretty bent out of shape that I called you out on making a dumb claim about half the player base :slight_smile:


Nice strawman there buddy.

Also Snikrot:

I mean, you’re just demonstrating the pretentious and arrogant nature of the Alliance. Can’t even handle being told how pretentious you are.

does the glorious Alliance not wait for Rustfeather and just expect mobs to mail them their mounts?

lol the lovely Alliance world of delusion. I hope one day you print out all of these things just to read how incoherent you get. But the grandeur of the Alliance deludes you into a self righteous superiority. I hope you enjoy your mechagnomes and eventual fourth human allied race!

It’s like the Alliance just expect races to ally with them because they’re the glorious Alliance.

Please stop hitting yourself.


Reading comprehension must not be your thing.

Your desperation is showing at this point.

I guess the alliance will have to be happy with their exclusive bee mount.

This is such a stupid arguement, but I can’t stop coming back to it.