Preach's latest video

Personal loot would be fine if they would remove the trading restrictions. Not being able to trade a piece of loot I don’t need/want to someone who could make use of it because it has 5 more ilvls than what I currently have is a crap system.


Sure they weren’t.

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I guess I wouldn’t say that there was a direct call for it to be removed, however when the forums started outcrying when it looked like it may be (before it was confirmed that it was going to be)… there certainly were people calling for it to be removed. Not saying that Blizzard made their mind up due to those players, but they did in fact exist before its removal.

As for Preach’s comments on this matter, I think he’s talking about those people who wanted ML gone, and were then pretty much gleeful over its confirmed removal. Which is just sorta sad… gleeful over the removal of a system that many liked and didn’t affect them in the slightest. Oh well.

As for his comments on guilds… Eh… maybe that’s an EU thing going on atm. I don’t know. I can certainly say that there is less and less of a reason to be a part of a guild as the vast majority of the game has been catered to play alone. Unless you plan to be a cutting edge player, there is literally zero reason to be a part of a guild (from a character progression stand point, ignoring social benefits etc).


In the past 3 weeks I’ve seen multiple threads posted by people saying that guilds are dead and blizzard should stop wasting resources on a dead system and just remove it from the game.


Ok, then show me where they did?

Yeah, I didn’t see anything until AFTER Blizzard announced the idea.

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If that’s the truth, why don’t you just link those threads here?

I know of one post on the topic of guilds. Please link the ones you’re talking about.

Or you can’t trade an OH because you use a two hander.

While there are lots of posts on “remove master loot” (“remove+master+loot”&forum=984270)

I have seen virtually nothing on destroying the guild system. Linking the two (if the second actually exists) seems like something I’d have to get the tinfoil out for…


Here’s some light reading on the topic.

Might be more of an EU thing and his comments section. Ignoring the comment on the guild, I think his other thoughts are fairly on the nose.

Oh hey! I’m in that thread!


They say that the truth hurts, and I can’t disagree. Facing the truth no matter what the situation is, good or bad, hurts - but it hurts for a reason. It’s to make us aware that it’s real and that it affects us. Master Loot, outside of ninja looting, never really deeply hurt anyone. Yet it was removed for the sake of cutting out some negative social interactions. Well guess what - not having that social interaction happen at all is even more detrimental to the game and the people. I’d rather have the chance of something bad happening, and putting my trust in my fellow players, than to have a closed off, cold, gaming experience.

If it were my decision I’d bring back Master Loot for the length of a patch. Just to test the waters. If it goes to hell, which I doubt, then undo the change. But the absence of Master Loot hurts. And people will nay say but they’re usually the ones that aren’t even affected by Master Loot and want to complain for the sake of complaining. This mindset hurts the game and their gaming family.


Yeah there were occasionally cesspool guilds. But serious raiding guilds pretty much never had this. Because if they did most of the guild would quit on the spot.

In fact a sure fire way to kill a successful guild overnight was to start abusing ML.


IDK… here’s a link to an EU forum search for “guild” - I didn’t see anything related to removing guilds from the last week. Sounds like some made up BS to me…

Not knocking the streamer, just sounds like crazy-making to me.

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Check through the thread I linked above.

The sentiment is definitely there.

That was a good video. Thank you for directing me to it.


My goal for Battle of Azeroth is just to reach level cap.


It’s simply not.

Exceptionally few people desire guilds to be done away with. Many people desire guilds to be defocused. The difference is massive. Communities were a great step toward that goal, where you can join multiple different groups of people for different content types.