Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

I’d have to see it for context. But like I said, the only noticeable problem with threat is Brewmaster, but they just need to be tuned and there hasn’t been a tuning pass yet.


glad I was able to find another one of these threads before my time runs out.

If you would just stop using such a negative touch on everything you said. People would listen to you more. As it stands with you being so abrasive all you are doing is creating spite. And coming off spiteful. You do harm to the cause, and create division. Sometimes I just want to ask, if you are an Orange Panda.


Wish i could remember where i was watching it lol.

They should cap everyone though, I hate big aoe pulls, they’re boring to me.

But if I don’t do them people complain.

I’ll eat my hat if they get all the covenants/soulbinds/conduits within 1% of each other. You’ll be lucky if they get within 10% of each other.

I have no idea how anyone who has played BfA could ever imagine Blizzard being capable of getting so many different systems so closely balanced with each other.


there’s an ignore feature?! please tell me how to use it!

Seems like a lot of the power right now might come from the conduits, which aren’t covenant specific.

You made the claim that he is lying. The burden of proof is on you to back up that claim.

Don’t say stuff if you’re not willing to back it up.


I’m going to continue to say it and you can’t really stop me, lol.

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You’re right, I can’t stop you. But I can point out that you are refusing to back up anything you say, which means your claims can be easily discarded.


Not quite. In essence you were going to “discard my claims” anyways because you’re too stubborn to admit you’re wrong. Those who want to learn the truth can put in the work, and those who are just trying to waste my time will fail to do so.

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All this time you keep wasting posting this is nonsense you could have provided your “proof”. I also, along with Turnberry, went over your last 80 posts and found NOTHING. Sorry, at this point, I am calling you the liar. Nothing you can do about it. I’m just going to keep doing it. You can find the proof I have on your own. It’s somewhere in my other posts.


Those who make claims have the burden to provide proof of those claims. I’m not going to go hunting a unicorn just because someone claimed to have seen one.


Is Ralph the new Rastilin?

Preach is one of the worse things in the WOW community. If he’s upset about something, you can guarantee that is something that would benefit the vast majority of real wow players. The biggest problem is that he’s managed to convince a large amount of people that what benefits him and his lot, will benefit the rest as well. This is simply not true. His ideas do everything to take RPG and decisions making out of the game.

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Plot twist, Ralph IS Rastilin.

You’re confusing you’re feelings for facts.

You made the claim, you have to prove your claim. That’s how this works.

“I’m not interested because I have nothing of evidence other than the way I feel.”

You’re a :clown_face:


Rastilin was at least funny.


No, Blizzard-Activision has been the worst thing for the WoW community.

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My favorite part is the image for that video looks like some sort of Council of Cringe.

I mean, he’s not wrong for most of it though.

AoE caps will be bothersome from top to bottom.
If they make covenants too hard to switch it will be an issue, because people like to try new things.