Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

Yea, what’s going to be weird for people is things like… bladestorm only hitting X targets, like you’re spinning around with your swords “hitting” everything, it doesn’t even make sense visually to have a cap.

AoE cap is dumb though. Literally one of the dumbest things blizzard is implementing.

Yeah i agree going to be weird for sure.


It’s a weird decision, and I get why they’re doing it, just don’t think it will work like they want.

Only thing i heard was making certain classes more valuable in aoe i don’t agree then if that is the case here.

They’re also trying to kill massive aoe pulls.

Which I kind of agree with, massive aoe isn’t really fun to me.

Um this from the one indicating hes 100 percent right?..flip side of the same coin

They are only trying to kill it for some classes though, which is the issue. If you need big AOE you just bring Moonkins or Warlocks.

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Tanks won’t have as easy of a time holding the big pulls though.

Tanks aren’t aoe capped.

Many tank abilities are, usually only ones with cds are not.

For example, guardian, swipe is capped but the other one is not.

Losing Virulent Plague spread from Outbreak really sucks. :frowning:

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Thrash has a cd.

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That’s what i mean, thrash is uncapped but has a cd, swipe is capped

Thrash is a 5 sec CD and Swipe can be spammed. I didn’t have any aggro issues on big pulls in the dungeons I did as Guardian. Also if you plan a really big pull you can just pop incarn and spam Thrash.

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I mean, I’ve watched big MDI players complain about it when tanking, it’s obviously an issue with tanking.

Granted it just means dps can’t blow up the mobs right away.

You over-pull you get smoked basically

Threat/taunts were bugged on the beta until a week or 2 ago. You sure it wasn’t that? The only class I’ve had problem on was Monk. But the spells just aren’t tuned properly and Brewmaster is currently doing 40% less dps than all other tanks.

I don’t remember what it was, but no, it was a big pull (wasn’t planned but right now we can snap aggro extra adds easily) and he was yelling stop stop! I can’t get aggro with these caps quick.


Yeah somehow taunts were bugged on beta for a bit. Could be that.