Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

What did he lie about?

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That is a good point, I assumed it was denial, the fact that Ion told him to his face that high end isnt their priority yet he kept asking “why is blizzard doing x” made me feel it was pure denial since he wouldnt want to internally accept that wow isnt a game for ultra competitive tryhards.

But your explanation also makes sense, after the interview he could have realized and accepted that blizzard no longer cares about them so his only chance was to change his rhetoric and pretend everyone happens to agree with his elitist viewpoint including casuals which he never represented.

Pretty manipulative and disgusting indeed if that is the case.

I think it’s people like you who are out of touch with the playerbase. You knowingly make a post with your unpopular opinion and claim you’re the majority. No, you and people like you are NOT the majority.


I dislike the majority thing. It is like, well more people want what I want so we should have our way.

It is just a silly take.

You can check my post history. Misrepresenting what Ion said, making up “facts” that he knows aren’t true so that when we learn how things actually work people get upset. He’s been doing a lot of bad stuff in regard to Shadowlands. He’s been a really rotten apple who has created a lot of false impressions.

Hell, his first Shadowlands video was “Blizzard told me not to talk about this because it is still an early alpha concept and subject to change, but here’s why it is definitely going live as is and will ruin the game”. Remember like two-three months ago when everyone was freaking out about Venthyr? That was Preach. He just straight up fabricated a hoax.

No specific example here.

So he gave his feedback and Blizzard made changes. I’m not seeing any misinformation here.


Go search my post history if you want specifics.

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You just bash the guy and call him a liar. I’m not going to go thru hundreds of posts but those are the most recent ones.


I’m going to keep calling him a liar because he is.

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What did he lie about?


A bunch of people have already told you that they do not like the system who are not “elitest”.


You guys ever wonder what Ralph is like IRL?

You can search my post history.

I’ve already made my case before and proven he’s a liar. I’m not jumping through hoops for every single random poster who shills for Preach when you can just search my post history yourself.

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I thought about this today. I couldn’t imagine being in a guild with him, let alone actually knowing him IRL.


He didn’t lie. They are claiming non-elites don’t dislike being locked in covenants or having their expansion progression locked behind their story choice.


That’s a really weak argument. Even the forums seem 50/50 at best on the covenant locking issue and the forums are notoriously casual favored.


He didn’t lie. You are just twisting his words. But hey, whatever helps you puff your chest out.


That would also explain his constant “But i totes dont understand why blizzard would do this”

He understands but he is trying to spin it as some ridiculous decision nobody understands and it makes even more sense now when he obsesses over limited information like how he tried to make “venthyr teleport is OP AF” yet we have yet to see any real broken skips with it in sl.

Heis pushing people towards blizzard hate on purpose in that case


Business is apparently good enough. Though making real games isn’t their priority anymore. Now it’s just a spreadsheet and what pulls in the most revenue.


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I actually did this for some reason. There was nothing in your last 50-60 posts where you give any specific example of Preach lying.