your point? all these threads you make on preach seems like you are a little obsessed.
well i think he got hidden by the community because they are elitists who dont like people disagreing with them so they spam flag to silence those who have differnt views.
I’ve never watched a preach video.
Also, if you don’t like what a streamer or YouTube says, stop watching their content. It’s pretty easy.
look in the op’s history and see how many threads hes made about preach its borderline obsession.
ill do that later im busy working on mods.
Preach is living rent free in Ralph’s head.
The current systems are systems that most players have come to terms with. You’re speaking for a minority that wants to return to the olden days when ret paladins and dps druids weren’t good at the high end.
A time where choices mattered, especially for classes.
He’s easy to recognize ttbh
Absolutely agree. This concept is one reason why the world is in such chaos right now. Good people sit back taking life for granted while the lunatics roam free causing mayhem…and its not until the crap hits the fan that the silent majority ends up speaking out…and by that time theyre so enraged over whats been going on that those in charge have to do a hasty retreat to get things back into order.
The whole Ion flight fiasco comes to mind.
Question is…will Ion and his crew EVER actually learn any lessons?
The masses of players who pay the light bill around here are the ones who need to be placated and kept engaged.
If I did business like Blizzard does with WoW Id have lost my businesses 25 years ago, LMBO.
You were already a Loser before but this thread is just reaching mountains
Thing is why you letting Mike preach trigger u i ignore him always because the game will never cater to him anyways it’s unrealistic to do so.
Legion, BfA, and now Shadowlands says “no they will not”.
you just ruined my day
at this point you’re just trolling
u i ignore him always because the game will never cater to him anyways
You make a good point
Preach doesnt speak for the community
neither do you
He said even that his view is a selfish one lol but it’s funny seeing how salty he has gotten with the whole thing and constantly bringing up reasons some others have brought up to throw jabs at it.
Yet lately he keeps repeating the mantra “it isnt just us high end that hate your system blizzard, it is everyone”
He quite literally said many times lately that it isnt just the high end that are against blizzard simply because he thinks his tryhard chat is good representation of the actual community.
So you guys all liked Azerite armor on day one and corruption?
I mean I don’t agree with his views, and how he handles it also, but do we need to call him a loser, and take it so personal?
I don’t agree with his stance and what he wants with wow. That does not mean he is a bad person, wanting to make the game better for himself. I just don’t agree with his take, and don’t want the game to change to what he wants because it would be less fun for me.
No hard feelings, no need to take things personal.
That does not mean he is a bad person, wanting to make the game better for himself.
I would say that lying for his own benefit at the expense of others is pretty much the definition of bad. Obviously it’s pretty light on the scale of overall badness, but it’s certainly bad.